O what a world we live in.First we go to Nigeria, where those nutters are suing Pfizer for $7billion, yup that's SEVEN BILLION U.S DOLLARS! Why? Cos those dips at Pfizer used little children and babies in Northern Nigeria as guinea pigs! They called it trials for a new anti-meningitis drug. This was in 1996. Officials in Kano said 50 kids died and others developed mental and physical deformities. Pfizer claims and in their words 'only 11 of the 200 died!'. When did 5% loss in human life become an acceptable risk? Please tell me when human beings became lab rats! Is it cos they were 'black'? It needs to be understood that this happened in villages where people hardly spoke or understood English! Since when were American doctors allowed into Nigeria to perform experiments on kids unsupervised?
Anyway the case went to court, and the judge who had obviously been 'seen' has ruled in favour of Pfizer and stopped the Federal Government from adding more names to the 54 being claimed for! So judge, how much money did you get? You should be ashamed! The fact that our own people do not value human life doesn't mean you, who are supposed to be there to protect your people should sell out for a few 'bob'! When did we get to this? The whole situation is sordid. I personally think the judge should be removed from the case and the title stripped from his sorry ass! EFCC (the body responsible for locking up all these scoundrels) should look into his accounts and am sure they'll discover he's suddenly upped his finances from N0 to hmmm maybe a couple million dollars!(Surely if he's smart, he wouldn't have taken anything less than $7M... I mean compare that to $7BN!)
I can't even comprehend this situation. It MUST be wrong... how can you go into another country to carry out illegal drug trials? Urgh.. my blood boils. And those health officials - yes, the Naija ones, should all be flogged publicly and hauled off to jail! Come on, you and me both know that they had been 'settled' before those American doctors/Pfizer officials started vaccinating those poor kids. My prayer, PLEASE God, CLEAN Nigeria!
For more details, see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/6241322.stm
Whoopee, the bad witch is dead, that evil Blair is gone! But alas, just when we thought we had seen the last of him, they went and made him a 'Peace' envoy to the Middle East. Obviously someone thought it was a good joke, problem is we're in June going into July and NOT April! Anyway now Gordon Brown is in No. 10. Let's hope he rights his predecessor's wrongs.... Education, Health, o and corrects his own wrongs.... reduce council taxes, remove fuel surcharges and reduce interest rates! Please Gordie. Kisses dearie....
Back in Naija, I hear the opposition parties, or should that be party - ANPP is hoping to share powers with the government - Yar'Adua. Buhari has distanced himself from the 'agreement', saying it is premature. Me thinks the man wants all the power to himself, so he can clean out the country, which he 'forgot' to do the last time he was in that position!
And finally (and this is funny), in America Bush faces an eavesdropping subpoena. apparently, he ordered surveillance without ordering warrants.... even Americans overseas had their mobile calls (cells as you guys call it) bugged! O sweet victory if he infact gets subpoenaed!
Anyway people, I do apologise for my long silence - I had been occupied :-)
Catch y'all soon.
- 'boo xxx
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Week in review

Yes, yes, I know it's been a while... but alas, duty called! Anyway am back with a bang! So this week there's been some pretty good stuff in the news and on T.V. Let's see in the Apprentice, Simon Ambrose (he that curls his hair) was 'HIRED'! I know I should have placed a bet.. I'd have cleaned out... there was no way Kristina was going to win, she was far too 'safe' - an un-wanted quality that was present in her predecessors (none of whom funny enough are no longer with the establishment that is Sir Alan Sugar), on the other hand Simon was a risk-taker, and had moments of imaginative genius, when he wasn't talking like an air head!. Like I said, I really must start taking the lottery and sure-bank gambles seriously, honestly.. all that cash that could have been mine! I hear you calling me a 'kalo-kalo' girl, well tough! Well still on this new Apprentice, the very next day the young man goes out and buys an Aston Martin DB to celebrate his new job!

Anyway we'll leave the rich to their own devises. For some humour - well at least for women, ha ha... a woman who ripped off her ex-boyfriend's testicles with her get this.... bare hands has been jailed! Poor dude, all I can say is ouch! Apparently she flew into a rage when he rejected her advances.. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, have you men NOT learnt! Anyway missy yanked off exes left testicle (btw am I the only one or how did she gain 'easy access' to his prized jewels? Hmmm), tried to swallow it, choked and then proceeded to spit it out into her hand... and the punchline, wait for it.. a friend grabs the spat out testicle from her and hands it back to 'Mr Jones' saying "That's yours" Lol! ! Hilarious! She gets 2.5 years in jail and he..well he gets no testicle.. doctors were unable to reattach his family member... ooo what a shame! But hey at least he still has one more to 'perform' with doesn't he? My sympathies Mr Jones... at least 'woman scorned' has apologised for her 5 minutes of madness!
In the world of politics, the Justice minister wants equal pay for men and women to be reached by 2020.. err come on people, by then I'd be preparing for retirement! (Oops.. did I just reveal my true age),.. scrap that. Now the meddling do-gooders in Labour are trying to ban kid smacking outright! What's next, tell us we can't yell at our kids? No wonder grown ass folks cross the streets when they see over 3 kids milling together! There is absolutely no discipline these days! Let's hope this law doesn't go through, talk about a nanny state! It's to be made compulsory for fathers to be registered on their child's birth certificate..utter rubbish! If you don't want the baby daddy on the birth certificate, then surely you have the choice.. after all as a woman you carried the child for 9 months, laboured in pain from anywhere between 6 to 48 hours.. so I will bloody well not put the name on if baby dada is a waste of space! (Though how the gene pool would work in that case is beyond me, a case of some serious fasting and prayer to ensure that dad's never do well character does not sip into the new born's blood!). Anyway when o when will this government stop trying to dictate to us what we should do and how we should live!
Right folks, that's my 2 cents for now....catch you soon...Britain's got Talent final is on... now that's a story for another day but I do hope either little Connie or the Kombat Breakers wins in that order :-*
- 'boo
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Shock Horror... Men and curlers!

So have any of you been watching 'The Apprentice' (that's the UK one with Sir Alan)? Well, did you see Simon Ambrose using, not attempting to o.... but actually using tongs.. i.e the professional slim straightener types o! Unbelievable!! Ok so he's 26, ok so he 'says' he is an Internet entrepreneur who is Cambridge educated (oooo) plus he joined MENSA (that's the Einstein club to you and I) at the age of 13 (yup, that's thirteen!).. o and it turns out that he is a B-A-D landlord... didn't fix the TV for his tenants for a year plus he apparently left the washing machine unfixed for 2 years I think it was....anyhooo I still can't get over the shock of seeing a full grown man.. yeah he may be only 27 but really! Do you know anyone i.e a man who uses tongs!! Well today 3 are about to get fired! Wonder who it'll be? I just had to lament this fact... plus he was wearing a yellow shirt and bright yellow socks to match! Ok fine.. you guys like to match your shirts and socks but come on, BRIGHT yellow socks.. uughhh ... I mean like custard yellow.. repugnant! The man needs to get lessons in dressing from Lohit Kalburgi... yes being the 'only gay in the village' he has managed to stick in there. Good for him.. and his dressing is impeccable... shame about batting for the other team.. but then that probably explains why he is such a good dresser.
Well Tre Azam (age 27) is about to be proven to be a BIG FAT liar!! Running 15 global enterprises and makes only 50k a year! Yeah right! he said he had a home-office... and the guy interviewing him said you run the office from your bedroom... ha ha I almost fell over! You have 'international' offices and you can't name where they are? Well... someone must have been cultivating his 'Pinocchio' skills! But really even by Pinocchio's standards (o that for the rest of you is the puppet made from wood by Geppetto that wanted to be a boy... remember if you even read the book that every time he told a 'tall' tale, his nose grew long!) he failed, although come to think of it, his nose is quite big... hmmmmm.
Anyway I digress... this started off with me lamenting about Simon and his curlers. Anyway if you've never watched it, you've missed the good parts... but you can watch the final next Wednesday @9pm on BBC1...and to 'get' acquantainted, see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/apprentice/home.html .......hmmmm BBC better pay me for this free ad! Anyway (I use this word a lot don't I?) the 3 'losers' are about to be announced... Ok I can tell you want me to stick around (you twisted my arm) and let you know who's been kicked off... Loser 1 - Lohit 'the baffer' (good dresser in QC (Up School!) slang). Loser 2 - Tre 'the Pinocchio'. OMG I can't believe that he kept that tramp Katie Hopkins in! And she's now bowed out, or hasn't she?Come on girl, decide... ok great she's OUT! Yippee.. so now the final goes to Simon 'the curler twirling poshie' and Christina (she's nice - so I can't say anything bad)... stay tuned for the final review, better still watch it! O and not to moan, why has NO ONE left me a comment.. come on.. even a one-liner?? You can do it... or how much prodding do y'all need? Come on guys and gals...Ta. :-)
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Help a Sista out!
Ok it has been a while and I do apologise for my 'long' absence, but people if you are reading this then how about some encouragement then? You know an encore (ok maybe I won't go that far), an applause... come on a comment won't go a miss... just some sort of encouragement here guys. Hear a sista out! PLEASE! Give this sista a break! And now that we've got that out of the way we'll move onto the order of the day.
Like I said apologies for my absence... had to spring clean and I got carried away with it and ended up spring cleaning everything and I do mean everything in sight! O well a story for another century. So what's new out there? Front page news in the UK was the fact that the Pakistani cricket coach Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and not murdered as earlier stared! Shock of all shocks... Panorama (an investigative program aired on BBC1) reported that Woolmer was poisoned and strangled after angering raical muslims... hmm such sensational journalism... me thinks the producer of that show will soon be under pressure to apologise to the Pakistani community in the UK... yeah, PC again! I do feel sorry for the Jamaican police.... who would have thought there'd be a much worse (or shall I use the word incompetent) police force than the Nigerian one! I hear Bola Ige's killers have finally been found.. days to OBJ's departure... am VERY sceptical about it..I mean what have drug barons or whatever occupation he listed as his got to do with Bola Ige? Well let's hope the new Presido sorts all these 'unsolved' murders... and please, please sir send them (the TRULY guilty party(ies) o!) to the guillotines!
So now Big Brother 8 is in full effect... yeah I switch over when there is nothing on (for no more than 10 mins o... any dose larger than that is a tad bit too much for this lady) and trust me now summer is in.. there is REALLY nothing on TV at all!! Have you seen this year's line-up? It was ALL women - 12 of them until last night when the one and only man entered the house.. you should have seen them all gushing and oohing and aahing over this one man... the twins (yeah, they are called 'barbie' twins.. and say 'pink' a lot!) especially were all giggly and some were even teary eyed!! This would be any Naija (Nigerian) man's fantasy I bet.. (you just try to deny it.. I know your dark thoughts!).. Infact it would be everyman's fantasy (well at least the straight ones)... Anyway the man (he goes by the name of 'Ziggy' and is'white'!) was trying to play it cool.. Haven't bothered to switch over today, don't need to pollute my mind... Really I just want it to be over, but we have 13 LONG weeks to go!... There's even two at least over 50 year old women in there! Pray tell, what in the world are they looking for??? Do they still have a brain?? One is really quiet and keeps to herself, and is apparently the queen bee of the house (hmmm do I hear you say). The other has become the 'mummy' of the house - you know the type, she sees to the food, organises the food.. every kitchen thing anyway, she showed the guy all the rooms (told him how many beds were in each), the loos (toilets to y'all), the showers and baths. She is a real iya (old woman), just looking at her.. her hair is grey too! Enough of that, it's doing my head in! I need something a bit more educational now! But one more thing.. in Holland Big Brother's other reality show aptly entitled 'Big Donor show has been scrapped! It would have been a reality show in which critically ill contestants competed to win a kidney! Rather grotesque if you ask me (which you didn't but then.. like I said this is my blog so!). Anyway the brain cancer victim (woman) whose kidney was up for contention upon her imminent death (so they said), turned out be an alive and kicking HEALTHY actress, who me thinks is playing with fate.... and just might one day end up on a waiting list herself! O and get this.. the contestants are actually people who are on kidney waiting lists, are currently on dialysis and need to find a donor! They were in on the scam.. so feel no sympathy for them please, 'cos I most definitely do NOT! The producers of the show say they did it to highlight the chronic donor problem in Holland... I really must start the 'Ban Big Brother world-wide in ALL Forms!' petition. Who wants to sign up after me?
Now onto education.... a Headmistress was attacked verbally and punched in the face by an 18 year-old ex-pupil! Then to top it all off, a current student filmed it on her mobile and 'set it free'.. via 'YouTube'! The ex-student is classified as 'vulnerable' in society...well if that's what you call vulnerable, then a mad man must be classified as what exactly? I digress... the ex-student was released under caution.. err how about jailing her ass! And the current student - the budding camera-woman... faces disciplinary action in school... one question...why has she not been publicly flogged? I mean haul her on stage in front of the general assembly, bend her over (now, now, no dirty thoughts here) and use a koboko (cat-o-nine-tails/aka caning stick) on her.. and NO this is not barbaric at all.. spare the rod and spoil the child I say!.. That's why kids these days don't respect their elders! If anything we're the ones scared of them! I see a group of kids, I cross to the other side of the road instantly... I don't care what area am in..... Bring back discipline in schools I say... there's another thought for a petition.. but it probably won't make any progress seeing as a school wants to ban skirts as girls tend to wear their skirts too high these days. They want them to wear only trousers from henceforth. Some parents are kicking against it.. how about training your girls to walk and more importantly to sit properly if you insist on them wearing really short skirts!! And why on earth would you let them out to school in skirts that barely cover their bums! Hmmmm!!! Or maybe some folks should go to 'How To Bring Up Your Kids' school... I tell you, my child steps out of line and it's a backhand for him/her! Maybe I should start running Parenting courses... there I go giving all my good business ideas away... Tell no one o! I can sue, afterall you saw this here... copyrighted... see!
The England vs Brazil match on Friday ended in a draw... was it 'cos it was friendly? Or 'cos half the Brazil team were newbies? Or cos 'Becks was back? Me wonders? Either way.. rubbish game!
Alright folks... time to sign off... Catch you soon.
Like I said apologies for my absence... had to spring clean and I got carried away with it and ended up spring cleaning everything and I do mean everything in sight! O well a story for another century. So what's new out there? Front page news in the UK was the fact that the Pakistani cricket coach Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and not murdered as earlier stared! Shock of all shocks... Panorama (an investigative program aired on BBC1) reported that Woolmer was poisoned and strangled after angering raical muslims... hmm such sensational journalism... me thinks the producer of that show will soon be under pressure to apologise to the Pakistani community in the UK... yeah, PC again! I do feel sorry for the Jamaican police.... who would have thought there'd be a much worse (or shall I use the word incompetent) police force than the Nigerian one! I hear Bola Ige's killers have finally been found.. days to OBJ's departure... am VERY sceptical about it..I mean what have drug barons or whatever occupation he listed as his got to do with Bola Ige? Well let's hope the new Presido sorts all these 'unsolved' murders... and please, please sir send them (the TRULY guilty party(ies) o!) to the guillotines!
So now Big Brother 8 is in full effect... yeah I switch over when there is nothing on (for no more than 10 mins o... any dose larger than that is a tad bit too much for this lady) and trust me now summer is in.. there is REALLY nothing on TV at all!! Have you seen this year's line-up? It was ALL women - 12 of them until last night when the one and only man entered the house.. you should have seen them all gushing and oohing and aahing over this one man... the twins (yeah, they are called 'barbie' twins.. and say 'pink' a lot!) especially were all giggly and some were even teary eyed!! This would be any Naija (Nigerian) man's fantasy I bet.. (you just try to deny it.. I know your dark thoughts!).. Infact it would be everyman's fantasy (well at least the straight ones)... Anyway the man (he goes by the name of 'Ziggy' and is'white'!) was trying to play it cool.. Haven't bothered to switch over today, don't need to pollute my mind... Really I just want it to be over, but we have 13 LONG weeks to go!... There's even two at least over 50 year old women in there! Pray tell, what in the world are they looking for??? Do they still have a brain?? One is really quiet and keeps to herself, and is apparently the queen bee of the house (hmmm do I hear you say). The other has become the 'mummy' of the house - you know the type, she sees to the food, organises the food.. every kitchen thing anyway, she showed the guy all the rooms (told him how many beds were in each), the loos (toilets to y'all), the showers and baths. She is a real iya (old woman), just looking at her.. her hair is grey too! Enough of that, it's doing my head in! I need something a bit more educational now! But one more thing.. in Holland Big Brother's other reality show aptly entitled 'Big Donor show has been scrapped! It would have been a reality show in which critically ill contestants competed to win a kidney! Rather grotesque if you ask me (which you didn't but then.. like I said this is my blog so!). Anyway the brain cancer victim (woman) whose kidney was up for contention upon her imminent death (so they said), turned out be an alive and kicking HEALTHY actress, who me thinks is playing with fate.... and just might one day end up on a waiting list herself! O and get this.. the contestants are actually people who are on kidney waiting lists, are currently on dialysis and need to find a donor! They were in on the scam.. so feel no sympathy for them please, 'cos I most definitely do NOT! The producers of the show say they did it to highlight the chronic donor problem in Holland... I really must start the 'Ban Big Brother world-wide in ALL Forms!' petition. Who wants to sign up after me?
Now onto education.... a Headmistress was attacked verbally and punched in the face by an 18 year-old ex-pupil! Then to top it all off, a current student filmed it on her mobile and 'set it free'.. via 'YouTube'! The ex-student is classified as 'vulnerable' in society...well if that's what you call vulnerable, then a mad man must be classified as what exactly? I digress... the ex-student was released under caution.. err how about jailing her ass! And the current student - the budding camera-woman... faces disciplinary action in school... one question...why has she not been publicly flogged? I mean haul her on stage in front of the general assembly, bend her over (now, now, no dirty thoughts here) and use a koboko (cat-o-nine-tails/aka caning stick) on her.. and NO this is not barbaric at all.. spare the rod and spoil the child I say!.. That's why kids these days don't respect their elders! If anything we're the ones scared of them! I see a group of kids, I cross to the other side of the road instantly... I don't care what area am in..... Bring back discipline in schools I say... there's another thought for a petition.. but it probably won't make any progress seeing as a school wants to ban skirts as girls tend to wear their skirts too high these days. They want them to wear only trousers from henceforth. Some parents are kicking against it.. how about training your girls to walk and more importantly to sit properly if you insist on them wearing really short skirts!! And why on earth would you let them out to school in skirts that barely cover their bums! Hmmmm!!! Or maybe some folks should go to 'How To Bring Up Your Kids' school... I tell you, my child steps out of line and it's a backhand for him/her! Maybe I should start running Parenting courses... there I go giving all my good business ideas away... Tell no one o! I can sue, afterall you saw this here... copyrighted... see!
The England vs Brazil match on Friday ended in a draw... was it 'cos it was friendly? Or 'cos half the Brazil team were newbies? Or cos 'Becks was back? Me wonders? Either way.. rubbish game!
Alright folks... time to sign off... Catch you soon.
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