So have any of you been watching 'The Apprentice' (that's the UK one with Sir Alan)? Well, did you see Simon Ambrose using, not attempting to o.... but actually using tongs.. i.e the professional slim straightener types o! Unbelievable!! Ok so he's 26, ok so he 'says' he is an Internet entrepreneur who is Cambridge educated (oooo) plus he joined MENSA (that's the Einstein club to you and I) at the age of 13 (yup, that's thirteen!).. o and it turns out that he is a B-A-D landlord... didn't fix the TV for his tenants for a year plus he apparently left the washing machine unfixed for 2 years I think it was....anyhooo I still can't get over the shock of seeing a full grown man.. yeah he may be only 27 but really! Do you know anyone i.e a man who uses tongs!! Well today 3 are about to get fired! Wonder who it'll be? I just had to lament this fact... plus he was wearing a yellow shirt and bright yellow socks to match! Ok fine.. you guys like to match your shirts and socks but come on, BRIGHT yellow socks.. uughhh ... I mean like custard yellow.. repugnant! The man needs to get lessons in dressing from Lohit Kalburgi... yes being the 'only gay in the village' he has managed to stick in there. Good for him.. and his dressing is impeccable... shame about batting for the other team.. but then that probably explains why he is such a good dresser.
Well Tre Azam (age 27) is about to be proven to be a BIG FAT liar!! Running 15 global enterprises and makes only 50k a year! Yeah right! he said he had a home-office... and the guy interviewing him said you run the office from your bedroom... ha ha I almost fell over! You have 'international' offices and you can't name where they are? Well... someone must have been cultivating his 'Pinocchio' skills! But really even by Pinocchio's standards (o that for the rest of you is the puppet made from wood by Geppetto that wanted to be a boy... remember if you even read the book that every time he told a 'tall' tale, his nose grew long!) he failed, although come to think of it, his nose is quite big... hmmmmm.
Anyway I digress... this started off with me lamenting about Simon and his curlers. Anyway if you've never watched it, you've missed the good parts... but you can watch the final next Wednesday @9pm on BBC1...and to 'get' acquantainted, see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/apprentice/home.html .......hmmmm BBC better pay me for this free ad! Anyway (I use this word a lot don't I?) the 3 'losers' are about to be announced... Ok I can tell you want me to stick around (you twisted my arm) and let you know who's been kicked off... Loser 1 - Lohit 'the baffer' (good dresser in QC (Up School!) slang). Loser 2 - Tre 'the Pinocchio'. OMG I can't believe that he kept that tramp Katie Hopkins in! And she's now bowed out, or hasn't she?Come on girl, decide... ok great she's OUT! Yippee.. so now the final goes to Simon 'the curler twirling poshie' and Christina (she's nice - so I can't say anything bad)... stay tuned for the final review, better still watch it! O and not to moan, why has NO ONE left me a comment.. come on.. even a one-liner?? You can do it... or how much prodding do y'all need? Come on guys and gals...Ta. :-)
1 comment:
girl, if you see a well dressed guy, cute, 'correct' manners, understands a sista to the 'T' chances are [99.9%] he's GAY! We'd be so lucky to come across a straight boy with all these fine qualities, sad huh? And no, you can't make them change their minds about girls. Sometimes when I meet the occasional boy who's quarter to perfect, I suspect that he's either in the closet or hasn't discovered for himself that he's gay.
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