So unmarried couples should have more legal rights? What a load of BS!!What's next? outlaw marriage? Come on people. Ok, so what if 2.2m (I can't believe the figure is that high) are cohabiting... their choice! If they're too scared to 'take the plunge' then I say leave 'em out to dry when and if they split! not being heartless or anything, but why live with a guy or vice-versa if you can't marry him? His habits certainly won't change, he'll still be the same slob (no offense to those men out there who ACTUALLY do some housework and pitch in) no matter what the state of your relationship is. Why bear children for him, if you can't marry him? In the old days, those poor kids would have borne the brunt of your selfish action and be spat on or called 'b*st*rds' wherever they went. And you, my dear, would be hounded out of town on the next available 'foot wagon' seeing as no one would want you on their bus anyway! You can't have your cake and eat it too!! So there's some lame report from the Law Commission, which states that unwed couples wrongly believe they are protected by what is known as "common law" marriage; solution - place a financial value on the contribution each person makes during the relationship. What a load of crock. As 'Heather of West Sussex (BBC 'have your say') put it, "I thought living together was all about not being committed. If you want the benefits of commitment, get MARRIED!" Hear! Hear! Heather. Anyway this lame proposal would apply to couples with children and childless couples who have lived together for at least two years(only?? Hmmmm)... They say they are not trying to devalue the institution of Marriage, but me thinks differently (as I do). This rubbish report took 2 years to publish and in all probability countless hundreds of thousands of pounds in taxpayers money! Really!! And you guessed right, the government is considering recommendations. I mean, how can you say you're not placing 'living together' and 'marriage' on the same platform when you're proposing such crap? Yes, yes, we have to protect the children, but so many people act without thinking through the consequences. If you choose to 'act' like a wife, then maybe you should MAKE sure you are THE WIFE! Insist on that ringy before you shack up permanently and even worse have kids. Yes, yes, it cuts the bills and saves you having to go through 'that painful (and sometimes messy )divorce' (which is another rant for another day) but when you're shacking-up experience ends, it's the same 'symptoms' that you'll go through. So ... think....Anyway I say NO to this law. The country is already is ruins, family values out the window, and you want to add this to it? May the Good Lord be with us all o!!(The 'o' is very important, it defines where am from :))
In other news (ooo am I feeling like a reporter today) Chanelle (the V.Becks look-alike, who's ambition is to BE a wait for it - professional V.Becks look-alike (don't laugh - even though I am rolling, at least she has some ambition)FINALLY came to her senses and walked, after yet another break up with Ziggy ('did you think it was as good for her as it was for you')... yiipppeee! O that line came from his self-interview question in the Diary room... the twit! Being the Ziggy twerp that he is, he has volunteered his services to go into the half-way house (where he'll compete with the remaining 3 half-way contestants to stay on the show) ... me thinks he's figured there are 2 chicks in there, and he might as well see if he can score with either one of 'em. His choices - a glamour model and a care assistant/stripper (wow!! and I guess he figures they'll both be gagging for it, seeing as his only competition is Jonty, the 36 year old teddy bear playing I've never had sex before man! Men!!! BOOT Ziggy out, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Anyway, more news later - need to get back to working again, before they cotton on to the fact that all that typing is from me 'blogging' and not 'scripting'...
Catch you soon, not to worry am on a roll now, and don't fancy leaving you out in the cold. Cheerio.
- 'boo
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Friday, 27 July 2007
Friday Night... Just got Paid!!
This is o so very true! Just like the song, for y'all oldies out there. Such a joyful day to be back in the 'black'. Alas am sitting at home, about to watch the next episode of Eastenders (which has REALLY hotted up, thankfully) and also come to think of it (and thanks for the reminder) about to take out my hair (oops meant braids). Need to do it myself, as the last time, the lady washed my hair without combing it... so yup, the 'dada' wonder came to be. And trust me, that was NOT a pretty sight! Right so we ALL gather am BORED out of my brain cells... is that even possible? Well, I don't care, I just NEED me some entertainment... even though I should be reading for my exam. O by the way, that means I'll be taking a short break for a while (well I say so now, but you never know).
Where was I? O bored... downloaded a few songs off Itunes... and now Eastenders is on, so gotta go... also have 3 manuals to read for this exam of mine.... I need strength.
Catch you soon.... o and thanks to everyone who's sent in comments so far... hint, we need to be able to hold Forums please...
Ta da people. Will let you know once something 'that catches my eye comes up' :).
-'boo xxx
Where was I? O bored... downloaded a few songs off Itunes... and now Eastenders is on, so gotta go... also have 3 manuals to read for this exam of mine.... I need strength.
Catch you soon.... o and thanks to everyone who's sent in comments so far... hint, we need to be able to hold Forums please...
Ta da people. Will let you know once something 'that catches my eye comes up' :).
-'boo xxx
Friday, 20 July 2007
Big Brother 8... The Davina saga continues!
Now is it just me or is Davina (she of the I was once a coke addict fame) McCall a 'bit' black-unfriendly? Please answer me this. Now if you are a secret Big Brother 8 viewer, much like me then you would have come across this nasty woman! First it was her famous clashes with Makosi 'I gave a B.J in a pool on national TV' Musambasi (while she was on BB6). Now it's with Charley 'I love to wear nothing but panties, even though I have no butt' fame. She (being Davina) seems to pick on only the dark skinned women... hmmm me thinks somewhere in her drugged out past, her dealer might have been a dudu woman. Anyway Davina if you're reading this... I would have used the 'R' word, but in this day and age of PC.... I might get sued and have no money to support my rants ... yet! So there! Anyway you might want to think about checking yourself before you get 'checked'! Have you not seen any of the films where the white chick messes with the black one and ends up being wrecked! Beware o.... afterall, me I no dey turn red/black and blue.. or green for that matter when the or 'if' the healing begins... Be careful lo wa o! (Going a little lingo).
Not much else happening in the world... those errant girls face a trial soon... I hope for their sake they don't get the full 10 years... on the bright side, at least e no go be for naija prison! Imagine them from 'jand' having to do a stretch in Kirikiri! Anyway like I say, if you have 'eru' make you carry am yourself or spend small money and use courier!
Have to get back to my ironing now... o yes, I am domesticated... :) O and if any of you out there has been rained out of your houses... you're welcome to kip round at mine for a night or two... never say I'm not nice!
O and Davina... PLEASE, PLEASE put AWAY those naff hoop earrings... they do NOT suit you!
O and if you haven't cottoned onto 'Heroes' yet... WATCH it on BBC2 when it comes on... you now have no excuse..... be 'in' or be dry... the choice is yours.

Tada people...
-'boo xxx
p.s For those who left comments.. much appreciated people... wish I could start a forum ... but please continue to keep your thoughts rolling in... xxx
Not much else happening in the world... those errant girls face a trial soon... I hope for their sake they don't get the full 10 years... on the bright side, at least e no go be for naija prison! Imagine them from 'jand' having to do a stretch in Kirikiri! Anyway like I say, if you have 'eru' make you carry am yourself or spend small money and use courier!
Have to get back to my ironing now... o yes, I am domesticated... :) O and if any of you out there has been rained out of your houses... you're welcome to kip round at mine for a night or two... never say I'm not nice!
O and Davina... PLEASE, PLEASE put AWAY those naff hoop earrings... they do NOT suit you!
O and if you haven't cottoned onto 'Heroes' yet... WATCH it on BBC2 when it comes on... you now have no excuse..... be 'in' or be dry... the choice is yours.

Tada people...
-'boo xxx
p.s For those who left comments.. much appreciated people... wish I could start a forum ... but please continue to keep your thoughts rolling in... xxx
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Update to 16 and etc
Hmmm am afraid I was RIGHT! One of those errant girls is Naija! Her name is Yetunde Diya... and no, don't you even dare deny that name is from elsewhere on the continent! She is surely from Nigeria! The foolish child dragged her friend Yasemin Vatansever.. don't know where she's from and they KNEW exactly what it was they were doing... afterall momsie and popsie thought they were in France! O yes... they told their folks they were going on a school trip to France. Am sorry the parents sef... didn't they take them to the airport and watch them check-in? Come on....and it seems the dealer was Ghanaian... or so they say. I won't be surprised if when they find 'J' he turns out to be Nigerian. Now the icing on the cake is... the man paid for the tickets into Ghana, where they stayed for a week! Now we know we don't live in a FREE world, so firstly how did two sixteen year old girls hook up with an 'older man'? Tell me? Secondly, did they NOT think that they would either have to 'pay' in kind or some other way? All ye who have teenage daughters... better lock them up! Not really surprised that they could 'bump' into this OLD man, when we live in a society where the young dress OLD and the old dress YOUNG!
Anyway I can't get over the fact that these 2 teen call girls were told to go on holiday to far away Ghana on a 'free' trip and get this they were told by the elusive he better be ashamed of himself 'J' that they'd be bringing back 2 laptops... yeah.... 2 laptops for a trip to Ghana! Anyway I don't blame them, I blame their parents - especially the naija ones. It seems we have let our values drop to live in 'European society'. So it's been our young ones caught up in gangs, murder and now drug mules! What next? I bet if her folks are not together, her dad will blame her mum!
I think I need to rest.... chow time. Just thought to update y'all.
- 'boo xxx
Anyway I can't get over the fact that these 2 teen call girls were told to go on holiday to far away Ghana on a 'free' trip and get this they were told by the elusive he better be ashamed of himself 'J' that they'd be bringing back 2 laptops... yeah.... 2 laptops for a trip to Ghana! Anyway I don't blame them, I blame their parents - especially the naija ones. It seems we have let our values drop to live in 'European society'. So it's been our young ones caught up in gangs, murder and now drug mules! What next? I bet if her folks are not together, her dad will blame her mum!
I think I need to rest.... chow time. Just thought to update y'all.
- 'boo xxx
16 and TRYING to live the life!
Alright, so it seems I do have avid fans out there. Avid fans who refuse to leave comments expressing their thoughts, opinions and adoration of me. Hint, y'all know yourselves! Need I say more! So with the niceties out of the way, the shocking news that has reached this 'reporter's' (O yes.... I more or less am one, afterall you get your news round up from me!) ears or shall I say eyes, seeing as it was on BBC news online is that two 'British' girls were nabbed in Ghana trying to take out drugs (well actually the drugs were plane-bound for the UK)... wait for it.... worth THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND BRITISH POUNDS! Yes you most certainly saw it... £300k.... what were they thinking! Meanwhile, these girls were only 16 (yup, sixteen) years old! My friend called them teenage call girls. Lol! Am sure all they were promised, was maybe what.... £1,000... ok, worse case scenario... 5k! But maybe a few designer bags between them and maybe 1 or 2 pairs of shoes thrown in... then what! Whatelse did they want to spend the money on! I blame their folks, afterall they should have warned them NOT to EVER take 'gifts' (in this case drugs) from strangers! Meanwhile, if this had happened in Thailand! Hmmm na to die straight.... a short road to hanging it'll be called. There'd be a film made about them too.
Anyway we don't know the full story yet, but I can tell you that am o so VERY glad they were not Nigerian! Trust me, if they were; British born or not (actually it also says they were from London) it would have been all over the news... I can see those headlines '2 Nigerian teenagers caught with 300,000 Pounds worth of cocaine'. Then the first line would have read 'Two Nigerian teenagers born in Britain were caught with an astonishing amount of cocaine. The drugs with a whooping street value of 300,000 pounds was discovered while they were trying to board a plane to the UK'.... you know the rest. Then it would have been ...hmmm that country filled with 419ers has gone back to its drug peddling days... and look, their unthinking, 'take advantage of innocent people' drug dealers now use 'innocent', 'unaware' young girls to get their stuff out! We would never have lived that down. Well we still don't know if the dealers are Naija.... This reporter will keep you posted.
So what do you think 2 sixteen year olds would spend say £5,000 (not that they would ever have got that if they had been successful) each on? Not a car for sure, they can only get a provisional driving licence in the UK and need a licence holder of at least 2 years beside them at all times.... what else, dresses, more Joe Browns, Kate Moss@Top Shop, Stella McCartney@ H&M, Zara etc than they could think of.. what else?? Me thinks nothing else..oo ooo me, me, teacher.... Ipods... but how many would they need? Let's see if they got the Nanos, they could get 1 in each colour - a different one for each day of the week :).. and more Itunes songs than their little hearts could play and accessories than they could co-ordinate with or use...:).
Well now that my old brain is exhausted... been a LONG time since I was 16, and besides, times REALLY are different!
Anyway the moral of this story is: 'BRING UP YOUR CHILDREN WELL. Teach them not to be greedy, not to keep up with the Joneses and most importantly to have CONFIDENCE in themselves!'
Anyway we don't know the full story yet, but I can tell you that am o so VERY glad they were not Nigerian! Trust me, if they were; British born or not (actually it also says they were from London) it would have been all over the news... I can see those headlines '2 Nigerian teenagers caught with 300,000 Pounds worth of cocaine'. Then the first line would have read 'Two Nigerian teenagers born in Britain were caught with an astonishing amount of cocaine. The drugs with a whooping street value of 300,000 pounds was discovered while they were trying to board a plane to the UK'.... you know the rest. Then it would have been ...hmmm that country filled with 419ers has gone back to its drug peddling days... and look, their unthinking, 'take advantage of innocent people' drug dealers now use 'innocent', 'unaware' young girls to get their stuff out! We would never have lived that down. Well we still don't know if the dealers are Naija.... This reporter will keep you posted.
So what do you think 2 sixteen year olds would spend say £5,000 (not that they would ever have got that if they had been successful) each on? Not a car for sure, they can only get a provisional driving licence in the UK and need a licence holder of at least 2 years beside them at all times.... what else, dresses, more Joe Browns, Kate Moss@Top Shop, Stella McCartney@ H&M, Zara etc than they could think of.. what else?? Me thinks nothing else..oo ooo me, me, teacher.... Ipods... but how many would they need? Let's see if they got the Nanos, they could get 1 in each colour - a different one for each day of the week :).. and more Itunes songs than their little hearts could play and accessories than they could co-ordinate with or use...:).

Well now that my old brain is exhausted... been a LONG time since I was 16, and besides, times REALLY are different!
Anyway the moral of this story is: 'BRING UP YOUR CHILDREN WELL. Teach them not to be greedy, not to keep up with the Joneses and most importantly to have CONFIDENCE in themselves!'
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Bobby Brown and his 24 hour stint
Right so am at work, slightly bored out of my brain cells, about to commit blue murder! There is someone beside me who’s sniffing the few brain cells she has left out! I mean, why don’t you just get yourself up and out your sit, into the loo (this bit is important, cos when she does blow, it's beside me, sitting at her desk and boy is it loud, o and it's followed by a few sniffles – why bother!) and blow that nose! Urgh!!! Am going mental! This was not meant to be a whinging blog! It was supposed to be educational :) … and intellectual… but alas, I am brought down to the level of a human being! I tire! May go out for a coffee… already done the lunch thing, the falling asleep thing and now this – the updating your blog thing! Anyway, at least at the end of the day, the almighty pound reports into my account.
O did I tell you that this colleague of mine has a knack for typing (seeing as it’s email contact I keep it to) words out as follows (hers are in red):
Rather – ratter
Will – we
Prefer – preface
There’s also this one - it seem we are meant to fill one in and send via email on every Wednesday
Did I hear you scream or should that be howl out with laughter? All this coming from someone who ‘says’ she schooled here from her A’s (6th form to the rest of you) … yeah, right, and my dad is Bill Gates!
So what’s been happening in the big bad world? O I forgot to report this…. Last month, Bobby Brown was in the UK – who let him in o! He appeared on some reality program (I say some, cos that’s what it was) called ’24 hours with’. It’s a new style chat show where the celebrity and interviewer spend 24 hours LOCKED in a room. The host Jamie Campbell asks each celebrity anything he wants, and the dude must have some psychologist/psycho-analytical degree, as he goes for the jugular with his killer questions! Anyway, it was Bobby’s turn. Being a psycho-analyst (or at least I’ve conferred the honour on him, as is the tradition where I come from), this dude Bill played on Bobby’s phobia for homosexuals… It was hilarious. The conversation kind of went like this:
Jamie: ‘Why don’t we go into the bedroom?’
Bobby: ‘Why?’
Jamie: ‘We could share a bed’
Bobby: ‘I don’t want to sleep’
Jamie: ‘But we have nothing to do, so we may as well go to sleep’
Bobby: ‘Well am not sharing a bed with you, I’ll sleep out here. And why is there only one bed’
Jamie: ‘I don’t know’
Bobby: ‘Why would I share a bed with you?’
Jamie: ‘I don’t know’
Bobby: ‘You gay or something?’
Jamie: ‘I just don’t feel like answering it’
Bobby: ‘Just tell me, you gay?’
Jamie: ‘I’m not answering the question’
Bobby: ‘Why not’
Jamie: ‘Because the fact that am gay doesn’t make me any less of a man’
Bobby: ‘Well it makes you less of a man if you don’t answer’
Jamie: ‘Well that’s your opinion’
Bobby: ‘Are you gay?’
Jamie: ‘I’m not answering that question’
Bobby walks off into a room, 2 hours later
Bobby: ‘Are you gay?’
Jamie: ‘Are you scared of gays?’
Bobby: ‘If you don’t tell me, ama (in that Yankee drawl) beat you down’ cracking his knuckles
Jamie: ‘Why do you want to know?’
Bobby: ‘Amgonna beat you down on national TV’ (cracking his knuckles again)
Jamie realising Bobby is serious about the beat down says: ‘Am not gay’
Bobby: ‘Are you sure you’re not gay?’
Jamie: ‘Not if you want to beat me up’
Bobby: ‘So you’re gay?’
Jamie: ‘No am not gay’
Bobby: ‘You sure?’
Jamie: ‘Why? Are you scared of gays?’
Bobby: ‘Am not scared, just don’t like them’
Jamie: ‘You ever met a gay person?’
Bobby: ‘Why would I meet a gay person? I don’t like them, they don’t like me’
Bobby: ‘Are you gay?’ (Black man panicking….. didn’t want an ass-whipping, quite literally)
Jamie: ‘I’ve said am not’
Bobby: ‘You sure?’
Okay getting boring now…. Yawn! Bobby finally believes Jamie’s not gay and gives in and o next comes this –
Jamie: ‘What’s it like to be a wanted man?’ (In reference to Osama Bin Laden apparently wanting his head over Whitney Houston)
Bobby: ‘Well, the dude wanted me to give up my woman and I wasn’t having any of it’
Jamie: ‘So what did you do?’
Bobby: ‘Told him where to find me, I wasn’t going down like that’
Jamie: ‘Really’ (Obviously not believing our man B.Brown)
Bobby: ‘O yeah, I told him to fxxx and not to bother me and Whitney’
Jamie: ‘You going to give him a beat down too?’
Bobby: ‘I would if he came near me’
Well you know how the rest went, but really the beat down bit was such fun, it was one of those days when I wished I had Sky+…. It was pissing on yourself funny! Trust me!
My days have just improved… just got the news that I’m on a project... only catch is I have to drive 1 hour (it says … but that M25 (it’s a big orbital/expressway that connects north, east, west and south London/Greater London) makes it 2) there and back could be anywhere from 45 minutes (sshhh) to 4 hours! But anything not to be b---d!
Waiting to see improvements in my life from GB (Gordon Brown) our esteemed Prime Minister but then interest rates went up… You will NOT keep me down! Aside from that, not much news out there. O yeah, the London Olympics Committee has apparently no head for project management. They have no mechanism in place to monitor if projects are done….. hmm me thinks that’s another ‘egunje’ venue in the making (does anyone have a father/brother there…) abeg come give me contract.
Off to a Comedy night with Basket Mouth and ‘friends’ on Saturday, will tell you how it went.
Anyways good people catch you soon…
I’ll leave you with this in the meantime.
O did I tell you that this colleague of mine has a knack for typing (seeing as it’s email contact I keep it to) words out as follows (hers are in red):
Rather – ratter
Will – we
Prefer – preface
There’s also this one - it seem we are meant to fill one in and send via email on every Wednesday
Did I hear you scream or should that be howl out with laughter? All this coming from someone who ‘says’ she schooled here from her A’s (6th form to the rest of you) … yeah, right, and my dad is Bill Gates!
So what’s been happening in the big bad world? O I forgot to report this…. Last month, Bobby Brown was in the UK – who let him in o! He appeared on some reality program (I say some, cos that’s what it was) called ’24 hours with’. It’s a new style chat show where the celebrity and interviewer spend 24 hours LOCKED in a room. The host Jamie Campbell asks each celebrity anything he wants, and the dude must have some psychologist/psycho-analytical degree, as he goes for the jugular with his killer questions! Anyway, it was Bobby’s turn. Being a psycho-analyst (or at least I’ve conferred the honour on him, as is the tradition where I come from), this dude Bill played on Bobby’s phobia for homosexuals… It was hilarious. The conversation kind of went like this:
Jamie: ‘Why don’t we go into the bedroom?’
Bobby: ‘Why?’
Jamie: ‘We could share a bed’
Bobby: ‘I don’t want to sleep’
Jamie: ‘But we have nothing to do, so we may as well go to sleep’
Bobby: ‘Well am not sharing a bed with you, I’ll sleep out here. And why is there only one bed’
Jamie: ‘I don’t know’
Bobby: ‘Why would I share a bed with you?’
Jamie: ‘I don’t know’
Bobby: ‘You gay or something?’
Jamie: ‘I just don’t feel like answering it’
Bobby: ‘Just tell me, you gay?’
Jamie: ‘I’m not answering the question’
Bobby: ‘Why not’
Jamie: ‘Because the fact that am gay doesn’t make me any less of a man’
Bobby: ‘Well it makes you less of a man if you don’t answer’
Jamie: ‘Well that’s your opinion’
Bobby: ‘Are you gay?’
Jamie: ‘I’m not answering that question’
Bobby walks off into a room, 2 hours later
Bobby: ‘Are you gay?’
Jamie: ‘Are you scared of gays?’
Bobby: ‘If you don’t tell me, ama (in that Yankee drawl) beat you down’ cracking his knuckles
Jamie: ‘Why do you want to know?’
Bobby: ‘Amgonna beat you down on national TV’ (cracking his knuckles again)
Jamie realising Bobby is serious about the beat down says: ‘Am not gay’
Bobby: ‘Are you sure you’re not gay?’
Jamie: ‘Not if you want to beat me up’
Bobby: ‘So you’re gay?’
Jamie: ‘No am not gay’
Bobby: ‘You sure?’
Jamie: ‘Why? Are you scared of gays?’
Bobby: ‘Am not scared, just don’t like them’
Jamie: ‘You ever met a gay person?’
Bobby: ‘Why would I meet a gay person? I don’t like them, they don’t like me’
Bobby: ‘Are you gay?’ (Black man panicking….. didn’t want an ass-whipping, quite literally)
Jamie: ‘I’ve said am not’
Bobby: ‘You sure?’
Okay getting boring now…. Yawn! Bobby finally believes Jamie’s not gay and gives in and o next comes this –
Jamie: ‘What’s it like to be a wanted man?’ (In reference to Osama Bin Laden apparently wanting his head over Whitney Houston)
Bobby: ‘Well, the dude wanted me to give up my woman and I wasn’t having any of it’
Jamie: ‘So what did you do?’
Bobby: ‘Told him where to find me, I wasn’t going down like that’
Jamie: ‘Really’ (Obviously not believing our man B.Brown)
Bobby: ‘O yeah, I told him to fxxx and not to bother me and Whitney’
Jamie: ‘You going to give him a beat down too?’
Bobby: ‘I would if he came near me’
Well you know how the rest went, but really the beat down bit was such fun, it was one of those days when I wished I had Sky+…. It was pissing on yourself funny! Trust me!
My days have just improved… just got the news that I’m on a project... only catch is I have to drive 1 hour (it says … but that M25 (it’s a big orbital/expressway that connects north, east, west and south London/Greater London) makes it 2) there and back could be anywhere from 45 minutes (sshhh) to 4 hours! But anything not to be b---d!
Waiting to see improvements in my life from GB (Gordon Brown) our esteemed Prime Minister but then interest rates went up… You will NOT keep me down! Aside from that, not much news out there. O yeah, the London Olympics Committee has apparently no head for project management. They have no mechanism in place to monitor if projects are done….. hmm me thinks that’s another ‘egunje’ venue in the making (does anyone have a father/brother there…) abeg come give me contract.
Off to a Comedy night with Basket Mouth and ‘friends’ on Saturday, will tell you how it went.
Anyways good people catch you soon…
I’ll leave you with this in the meantime.
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