Next up the American primaries. Here’s wishing you all the best Barack Obama, and it’s not ‘cos you is black man… you’re just definitely more sincere than that old wench…. Clinton! I definitely am all up for a female Yankee presido (president), but me suspects Hilary is out to stoke her own ego (as we power hungry women do from time to time ;)). With 48% of the delegate votes, wouldn’t it be one up for the civil movement, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. if he were the first black president…. I bet the klu klux klan would be excuse my French shitting themselves! Ha ha ha!!!
England played the Swiss today in the nations favourite sport. Luckily for them, they won! Otherwise I could just see the papers calling for Fabio’s (Capello – new England manager) head.
Poor Britney Spears… no sooner was she in the nut house than that trailer thrash park dad of hers went to court to gain access to her finances! And the foolish judge (‘cos he (and it could ONLY be a man)) granted him his wish. Now the poor girl is begging her dad to sign for her release… of course the money hungry twit said no. Sad…. I feel so sorry for her. I blame the media, but I also blame us – the celebrity nosy parkers! It’s a shame that we put celebrities on such a high pedestal. Yes, they are in the public eye and should be an example, but are you? So next time you go mouthing off, remember to remove the ‘forest’ in your eyes before you try plucking the twig out of someone else’s!

Right enough with the preaching…The new jaguar XF… check it out… I need a rich man… what am I not doing??? Somebody pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee tell me!
- 'Boo xxx
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