At least on the flip side, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has been named as a managing director of the World Bank. Having held the positions as Nigeria's former minister of finance and later foreign affairs minister, she will join managing directors Juan Jose Daboub and Graeme Wheeler at the top level of the World Bank Group (WBG) management! She will have responsibility for the bank's Africa, South Asia, Europe and central Asia regions. She's also well known outside Nigeria as a corruption buster and seen as a key figure in helping secure the cancellation of $30 billion (21.2 billion EUR) of Nigeria's debt. Madam, more grease to your elbows o! This is not the last stop for you.... Ngozi Okojo-Iweala for president!!!! Hooray (x3)... Even 'Baba' could not hold you down! Don't mind the man jare..... after chopping and cleaning mouth!! He didn't want you to tu (let loose) his ashiri (secrets). Anyway when you're ready to take the mantle of office, give me a holla and we'll talk business... all I want is to be your campaign manager.... you are my role model!

Whatelse... apparently some Muslim medical students are refusing to attend lectures or answer exam questions on alcohol-related or sexually transmitted diseases because they claim.... and get this..... that it offends their religius beliefs .... is it just me, or shouldn't they fail the buggers and kick them out of medical school??? What type of Doctors would the UK be churning out if we had idiots like these in our hospitals??? Come on...Infact it's gone as far as some trainee doctors (they are trainee o... not evem full fledged!! Exam, they never pass o!!!) say learning to treat the disease conflicts with their faith, which states that Muslims should not drink alcohol and rejects sexual promiscuity.... yeah.... and you're not the same people who raped and pillaged your way through history eh??? Hmmmm. In addition,some Musllim medical students refuse to treat patients of the opposite sex... one male student was prepared to fail his final exams rather than examine a female student. At this point, am boiling and before I say anything blasphemous.... why the hell did they NOT fail him???? Is this not a CHRISTIAN country?? If you want to live here, then conform.... it's as simple as that! Get it! To the bleeding bureaucrats who allow this rubbish to go on..... you'd better be careful, 'cos what you're doing is laying a foundation for 'erasing' (and it's that) the culture and history of this great country! Be warned....
Last words... Rafa, what the 'f' are you up to? Why are we loosing???? If we're not careful we'll be booted out of Champions League.... everyone (and I mean the English teams) is at the top of their tables EXCEPT us.... and where are we?? THIRD!!!! What??? And it's not like we're top of the table in the Premiership either! Hmmmm bros, e be liek say you better get your act together before I have to visit a juju man to make you see sense o!!! Help us o!
Anyways have a great week ahead.... Catch y'all soon.
-'boo xxx
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