Now there's signs up all over supermarkets and anywhere that sells alcohol saying '21?'... apparently you can't sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 21. Picture this... up walks (or maybe 'bent over' (not funny!) walks) a seventy two (72) year old man into Morrisons - former Safeway in the UK before they were bought by yet another Yankee store to the counter with two bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon. Conversation goes like this:
Check-out staff: "Good afternoon sir"
Mr Tony Ralls: "Good afternoon young man"
Check out staff (who we'll just label cos in future): "Can you confirm you are over 21?"
Tony: "No"
COS: "Can I see some ID please"
Tony: "No, where's your manager?"
2 mins later...
Manager: "Are you over 21?"
Tony: "No" (But thinking to himself... Are you a fool?)
Manager: 'Well, we won't serve you'." Picks up the bottles of wine and storms off!
Poor Tony, he says he felt embarrassed to return to the supermarket and wanted an apology for "the stupid and unnecessary confrontation." He adds: "I applaud any efforts to stop kids being served and standing on street corners getting drunk. But this was just totally stupid." I agree Tony... after ALL the decades you've lived on this earth, you get asked by some idiot (or 2 in this case) who is young enough to be your grandchild (or great-grandchild sef, if y'all started early).... I don't blame the dummy, it's because he hasn't been taught to respect his elders. If he had been given an 'ifoti' (a backhand slap - the most painful of them all!) or two he wouldn't dare ask that kind stupid question! Morrisons response was: "We take our responsibility with regard to selling alcohol very seriously and all our stores operate the Task 21 scheme, which addresses the difficulties our staff face in being able to determine if a customer is legally old enough to buy alcohol. "To further limit any element of doubt staff at the West Kirby store are required to ask anyone buying alcohol to confirm that they are over 21." And that doesn't answer the question Mr spokesman... someone OBVIOUSLY NEEDS to be replaced! Come on... how young could Tony look... when he's not Michael Douglas! Haba!
O well.... gotta shoot off now... Hey, Heroes Season 2 is BACK! yippee!!! and are you staying tuned to Prison Break Season 3? Please don't tell me what happened, fell asleep... I know.... terrible. But I did manage to catch America's Next Top Model Season 8.... watch it! Autumn is in... yippee... Welcome back QUALITY TV...

Adios folks...
-'boo xxx
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