That's right? Why are there such twats!! Although it works ways, the idiots and the other idiots... you know who I'm talking about....the conmen aka 419ers and the conned! There are rules for a reason, and if you think that for some strange reason you are 'special' and therefore those rules will be bended for you, then... you deserve what you get! The new one is the football scam. for the video link and for the story. Apparently Naijas are again at it... scamming kids as young as 12 who want to play for a premier club - your mouths like Premier... how about playing for your country and excelling FIRST! Afterall Kanu and co went down that root... but nooo you feel that you got that magic touch... well I have news for you... so does every Tom, Dick and Harry! To get to the top means you'll need to work hard and by God's grace you'll achieve your goal. Rome was never built in a day! Greed is what gets you all into trouble... you think you can rake in 1£1milla a week like that? Think again mate!
Now onto the scammers, you lot should be ashamed of yourselves. These are people's dreams and aspirations you are messing with... have a heart! Yes you've shown ingenuity in spotting a hole in the system and are milking it for all you got, but have you ever thought what you'd do if a member of your family (not involved in your trade) got scammed as well? Would you laugh or would you cry? What would you do if they go taken for ALL that they had... you make people borrow from family, neighbours, friends, banks, anyone just to meet your insane demands! Yes, you're meeting a need (mostly your need) and benefitting from people's greed but remember everyday is for the thief and ONE day is for the owner of the house! Let's cut to the chase... get a life! If you spent all the time you did thinking how to make a success of a genuine business, rather than scamming people, you'd be very successful and probably wealthy business men and women! Afterall your strength is that you can identify a need... so why not make a positive out of it by identifying a businesss/market need and catering to that need. It can't be that hard... if you used the money you spent at the business centre or servicing your zillion laptops/pcs on your business plan, you'd be raking it in LEGALLY by now! A word is enough for the wise... unless of course Kirikiri (a maximum security prison in Lagos, Nigeria) sounds like your idea of a fun spot to cool your heels!
And when is this government going to stop being condescending.... well more like racist to me! Imagine o... they are now searching for black role models for black youths... they say to stop the knife crime. Err if I remember clearly it's not just black kids who are killing themselves... it's white ones too... and don't they need more help seeing as they're usually OLDER!! Except of course Rhys Jones (God rest his soul). Anyway my point is we need role models ACROSS the cultures, not just black... you got that Hazel Blears! The one just keeps putting her foot in it each and EVERY time! In her words 'Too few black men and boys are achieving their full potential and the consequences of that are being seen socially and economically'! Ehn!! Is that so? All that white thrash living off benefits nko?? Abi no be my taxes dey pay for them and all they do is 'breed' like rabbits! Bianca on Eastenders is a typical example... she has 3 kids of her own, 1 who is 'mixed' and a fourth who is the kid of her jail-ass boyfie! Talk about bloody double standards!! There are far less black people on benefits than white! Yes, maybe quite a few live on council estates and those unsightly high-rise blocks, but still far less than the whites! So if you want to launch role models, then do so for ALL youth and not just black ones!! But then again this is what happens when you are 'given' a post just because you're a woman... not that am sure she is actually one... she doesn't THINK like one for sure!! Arrggh the woman just makes my blood boil! Moving on swiftly before I punch a hole on my keyboard....
Anyhoo, time to get some soul music into my system... Quincy Delight Jones Jnr. aka 'Q' has just been honoured by BET with a Humanitarian Award. Go Quincy... more grease jare. We need more people like you in this world, people who want to promote World Peace in the literal sense of the word (not the miss Universe or is it Miss World... 'I want world peace'. Ride on bro.
La'ers peeps
- 'Boo xxx
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Looney Tunes
So here we are again, a mad, mad world! First up, Mugabe that old fart claiming that Russia and China voting down UN sanctions against Zim was a win against racism! You know when people start talking out their bums the world is in trouble. The nerve of the man comparing his dictatorship to racism…an insult to those who have been directly affected! Meanwhile did you see him at his last parade… a real case of baba o fe gba! (Hmm… literally means old man no go gree aka old man is not giving in (throwing in the towel)). The man almost tumbled over… I bet his hip gave way... hehe!! Shame he didn’t fall flat on his ape face!
Please, someone tell Mariah Carey to STOP wearing lycra... come on woman… the big 4-0 beckons and surely it must take all of you to keep holding your breath and you stick out your ‘paid fors’!! Just realised now watching her video ‘Bye Bye’ that toy boy hubby (Nick Cannon) features in it – no, not for his singing ability... he was just the fine boy smiling and holding her. I wonder if she paid him?
Death toll of stabbed teens in the UK this year has reached….. 51! May their souls rest in peace. Government’s response… to hold a knife and gun summit… like that will solve the problem! These kids should have been flogged growing up and the parents of those on benefit neutered once the number of kids got to 2 from 2 men! How else can you contain this issue? Harsh as it may seem… what do you expect when there is no discipline in the home front or respect for parents/elders? Me thinks a new law should be passed…. Every home should (no, make that MUST) have at least 1 koboko (of the 5 tailed variety). That should put the fear of God in these kids.. I won’t even get started with the religious aspect...let’s just say it’s gone to the dogs! What do you expect anyway when the Church itself is divided and arguing about wheteher or not women should be made Bishops… talk of getting a life! Surely there are more important issues than that… here’s a hint COE… Poverty, Hunger, Famine, Access to clean drinking water, Education…. You get the picture!
Estelle… that girl… she says she has big boobs… luvey a pair of oranges does NOT constitute large gazumps! Now you’re in the States and making some dough and rubbing shoulders with Kanye West… Me thinks a trip to Dr. Hollywood might be just the thing to move you into the ‘big’ league! In the meantime… Keep ‘em covered and shut it!
My man of the mo…Chris Brown. That dude has some serious moves… never have they been seen since the time of MJ! I think even he gives the master credit, afterall his 18th birthday theme was … MJ of course! Complete with white gloves and moonwalk. Ne-Yo comes next (hey Usher is now an old man and even he has ceared the floor for the next gen)… but no one beats ChrisB with the lambo with spider seats and the slide across the floor moves. Go Chris it’s your b’day… In the words of Soul II Soul… Keep on movin, don’t stop like the hands of time!
Right off to a bbq now… hoping the sun comes out, or at least it doesn’t rain! Ciao
- ‘Boo xxx
Please, someone tell Mariah Carey to STOP wearing lycra... come on woman… the big 4-0 beckons and surely it must take all of you to keep holding your breath and you stick out your ‘paid fors’!! Just realised now watching her video ‘Bye Bye’ that toy boy hubby (Nick Cannon) features in it – no, not for his singing ability... he was just the fine boy smiling and holding her. I wonder if she paid him?
Death toll of stabbed teens in the UK this year has reached….. 51! May their souls rest in peace. Government’s response… to hold a knife and gun summit… like that will solve the problem! These kids should have been flogged growing up and the parents of those on benefit neutered once the number of kids got to 2 from 2 men! How else can you contain this issue? Harsh as it may seem… what do you expect when there is no discipline in the home front or respect for parents/elders? Me thinks a new law should be passed…. Every home should (no, make that MUST) have at least 1 koboko (of the 5 tailed variety). That should put the fear of God in these kids.. I won’t even get started with the religious aspect...let’s just say it’s gone to the dogs! What do you expect anyway when the Church itself is divided and arguing about wheteher or not women should be made Bishops… talk of getting a life! Surely there are more important issues than that… here’s a hint COE… Poverty, Hunger, Famine, Access to clean drinking water, Education…. You get the picture!
Estelle… that girl… she says she has big boobs… luvey a pair of oranges does NOT constitute large gazumps! Now you’re in the States and making some dough and rubbing shoulders with Kanye West… Me thinks a trip to Dr. Hollywood might be just the thing to move you into the ‘big’ league! In the meantime… Keep ‘em covered and shut it!
My man of the mo…Chris Brown. That dude has some serious moves… never have they been seen since the time of MJ! I think even he gives the master credit, afterall his 18th birthday theme was … MJ of course! Complete with white gloves and moonwalk. Ne-Yo comes next (hey Usher is now an old man and even he has ceared the floor for the next gen)… but no one beats ChrisB with the lambo with spider seats and the slide across the floor moves. Go Chris it’s your b’day… In the words of Soul II Soul… Keep on movin, don’t stop like the hands of time!
Right off to a bbq now… hoping the sun comes out, or at least it doesn’t rain! Ciao
- ‘Boo xxx
Monday, 19 May 2008
Back again
I bet y'all thought with glee that you'd managed to rid the blogwaves of 'that' gobby woman (though I prefer girl :))!! Anyhoo, sorry to burst your bubble, but she's B-A-C-K! So here's damiboo. How's it going out there? Soooo much has happened, some good (Boris whooping Nazi Ken's ass - the man i.e. Ken could very well have passed for any naija governor, he had their traits!), some bad (Burmese floods and Chinese quake), but mostly some bloody weird things! 'We', yes the royal we lost out on the Champions League Finals - own goal.... next season Riise, BETTER learn to PUT the ball in the OTHER team's net! Got that? Otherwise I will have to drag my big (well more like pert) ass all the way up to Scouse city to whoop your mingy butt! Nuff said, REDEEM yourself next season - o and if you haven't heard, my WORD is LAW....a word is enough for the wise. Only other thing I can say, is I hope Man U win!
Now where were we, Gordon Brown is on course to being the next shortest serving British Prime Minister - well that's after George Canning who's term lasted 119 days, from 10 April to 8 August 1827. What can I say, what a fiasco his service to the nation is turning out to be... first he implements all sorts of rubbish financial laws and restrictions [plummeting house prices (o by the grace of God, NOT mine though), credit crunch, rise in inflation, recession... the list is endless] as Chancellor of the Exchequer, policies which have come back to bite his bum! Then he decides to inflict more pain and misery on the lower and middle classes with the 10p tax fiasco ... which he is 'attempting' to fix by giving us back £120 in tax credits this year... whoppee doodoo... what joy! Don't be quick to rejoice, I bet ol' Gordy will be taking it all back plus more come next year by hook or by crook. Icing on the cake, he wants MPs to support the Embryo bill... u know, the one where the scientists can make human-animal hybrids. I take it soon the earth will be filled with 'Frankenstein' types... God help us all!
O well... thought I'd lost this piece... apparently forgot to check in my drafts... but then lost half of it... so stay tuned for part 2.
- 'Boo xxx
Now where were we, Gordon Brown is on course to being the next shortest serving British Prime Minister - well that's after George Canning who's term lasted 119 days, from 10 April to 8 August 1827. What can I say, what a fiasco his service to the nation is turning out to be... first he implements all sorts of rubbish financial laws and restrictions [plummeting house prices (o by the grace of God, NOT mine though), credit crunch, rise in inflation, recession... the list is endless] as Chancellor of the Exchequer, policies which have come back to bite his bum! Then he decides to inflict more pain and misery on the lower and middle classes with the 10p tax fiasco ... which he is 'attempting' to fix by giving us back £120 in tax credits this year... whoppee doodoo... what joy! Don't be quick to rejoice, I bet ol' Gordy will be taking it all back plus more come next year by hook or by crook. Icing on the cake, he wants MPs to support the Embryo bill... u know, the one where the scientists can make human-animal hybrids. I take it soon the earth will be filled with 'Frankenstein' types... God help us all!
O well... thought I'd lost this piece... apparently forgot to check in my drafts... but then lost half of it... so stay tuned for part 2.
- 'Boo xxx
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
The Return of the Ranter
First let me welcome myself back... Welcome Boo:). I've had a hectic 6 weeks or so and am now finally installed in my palace. Anyhoo a lot seems to have occurred while I was out, some good, some bad.. some just down right unacceptable. Let's start with Fiona MacKeown, mother of teenager Scarlett Keeling, who was murdered on a beach in Goa. Why has that woman not been made to face charges for amongst other things neglect? She left her 15 year old child with a 25 year old unknown man (who she later found was sexing the poor child) without money for food or accommodation and went gallivanting around the rest of India with her other kids! UNACCEPTABLE!!! Jail her ass!!! What are the police waiting for? As if that's not enough, turns out she'd been 'saving' £200 per week from child and other benefits over nine months to pay for the fated holiday. Pray tell me, how did she do that??? More importantly, how do you take your family on holiday, then decide to explore some more, leaving one child alone? The poor girl was then raped and beaten before being killed! How are people allowed to get away with things like this? Yes she will always be reminded of her mistake, but what possessed her in the first place? First thing, stop her benefits, cos she's obviously getting way too much if she could save a whole seven thousand GBP (£7,000.00) in 9 months from benefits! On that note, it turns out over half of adults are on benefits in 60 neighbourhoods in Britain! In one part of Rochdale (near Manchester), 76% of working-age adults are receiving out-of-work benefits. Tell me... how this is possible? No wonder the government is keen to tax us... this is how they get money to keep those lazy ass buggers at home!! No wonder they refuse to go back to work! Anyway, the point of this is bring criminal charges against that negligent mother and jail her!
Hmm BAA wants to tax us £20 for airport runs in the south (aka Heathrow and Gatwick)!! They say to improve the environment around the airport and curb carbon levels! In truth, I guess they must have calculated that with the number of naijas coming in with their 10 million suitcases and having to be picked up, they'd make a TIDY sum! Awon olosi! (sorry, there's no other way to translate this... I guess it means twats, idiots, fcukers... fill in the rest!) They claim they're trying to cut down on traffic on the M4... err.. lovies, the M4 just takes you part way to the airport... you still have to get onto a minor road... and traffic on the M4 is mostly caused by folk going to London or the UK silicon valley, known as Thames Valley! Duh!!! Common sense.... wonder why they call it so if it ain't??? I say break BAA and tell the Spaniards to go back to where they came from - yes they're airport is probably better than ours... but their shops suck!. O and it turns out that the tax is actually going towards building a new runway... T6!!! Hmmmm.. do I see raised eyebrows??
Had sooo much to spit out, it's been building up, but alas my memory isn't what it used to be! Like Arnie, I'll be back!
Catch you soon...
- 'boo xxx
Hmm BAA wants to tax us £20 for airport runs in the south (aka Heathrow and Gatwick)!! They say to improve the environment around the airport and curb carbon levels! In truth, I guess they must have calculated that with the number of naijas coming in with their 10 million suitcases and having to be picked up, they'd make a TIDY sum! Awon olosi! (sorry, there's no other way to translate this... I guess it means twats, idiots, fcukers... fill in the rest!) They claim they're trying to cut down on traffic on the M4... err.. lovies, the M4 just takes you part way to the airport... you still have to get onto a minor road... and traffic on the M4 is mostly caused by folk going to London or the UK silicon valley, known as Thames Valley! Duh!!! Common sense.... wonder why they call it so if it ain't??? I say break BAA and tell the Spaniards to go back to where they came from - yes they're airport is probably better than ours... but their shops suck!. O and it turns out that the tax is actually going towards building a new runway... T6!!! Hmmmm.. do I see raised eyebrows??
Had sooo much to spit out, it's been building up, but alas my memory isn't what it used to be! Like Arnie, I'll be back!
Catch you soon...
- 'boo xxx
Friday, 8 February 2008
The Bishop with a sieve
Here he goes again...The Archbishop of Canterbury - Dr. Rowan Williams has opened his fat gob yet again, as usual without thinking! The man was quoted as saying that the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK "seems unavoidable". How dare him! What utter rubbish. If you choose to live in the United Kingdom, then you ought to abide by the laws and rules of the country and them alone. The man's utterances know no bounds... he just lets loose (enu wa rough). Since when did we start mixing politics with God... fine it might have been done in pre the 19th century, but surely we have come a loonnnggg way from there? Being a member of the Church of England (Anglican Communion) it does annoy me that the man thinks he can offer his opinion, without thinking about the impact his words might have on the country. Dr Williams told Radio 4's World at One that the UK has to "face up to the fact" that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system. He argues that adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law would help maintain social cohesion. Is that right Dr Williams? You're just fuelling things and opening up the way for the BNP (British National Party - the British Nazis) to be nationally accepted. It's amazing in this day and age that a grown ass man like you feels meddling by you should be accepted!
The unbelievable thing is The Archbishop of Canterbury is said to be overwhelmed by the "hostility of the response".... err what planet do you live on? One would have thought you'd have been fighting to win souls for Christ, but noooo, you think you're showing love for your Muslim brothers. Thankfully for the first time, all the political parties have stood up to tell bro in the hat to shut it! Even the Muslims have told him to mind his business!! Calls have been made for his resignation... I think it's time you hung your mitre must be senility knocking firmly on your door. Me thinks you should be concentrating on bringing more people into the church, first stop the youth! My two bits of advice to you o Archbishop is take your nosy self out of politics and look at the community and think about how you can bring Christ back into the country!
Drats...I missed out on the euro million jackpot... I think it's time for me to start taking it seriously, afterall you just never know!
Have a lovely weekend folks...
-'Boo xxx
The unbelievable thing is The Archbishop of Canterbury is said to be overwhelmed by the "hostility of the response".... err what planet do you live on? One would have thought you'd have been fighting to win souls for Christ, but noooo, you think you're showing love for your Muslim brothers. Thankfully for the first time, all the political parties have stood up to tell bro in the hat to shut it! Even the Muslims have told him to mind his business!! Calls have been made for his resignation... I think it's time you hung your mitre must be senility knocking firmly on your door. Me thinks you should be concentrating on bringing more people into the church, first stop the youth! My two bits of advice to you o Archbishop is take your nosy self out of politics and look at the community and think about how you can bring Christ back into the country!
Drats...I missed out on the euro million jackpot... I think it's time for me to start taking it seriously, afterall you just never know!
Have a lovely weekend folks...
-'Boo xxx
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
And the World Moves Closer To The Edge!!
You may be wandering why I think this… news reaching this reporter has found that our Government has resumed its ‘Nannying’ ways! Now Health Secretary Alan Johnson is calling for fluoride to be added to England's water supplies in the hope of reducing tooth decay among some of society's poorest and most vulnerable. That’s sooo generous people, but don’t you think improving access to dental care … o and that’s aside from making it AFFORDABLE would be better? That’s apart from the obvious lack of information on its side-effects, which include - cancer, infertility and Down's Syndrome. Two words… ‘Court’ ‘Cases’… look out! Abi na by force (is it compulsory)? Fine, they want to reduce tooth decay in kids but is this the way? Now of course this isn't for everyone (they say) - it won't be necessary in the wealthier home counties for instance. Is that right? Remind me NEVER to move to the Ajegunles and Isale Ekos (poorer areas) of the UK…say goodbye to thoughts of seeing me in ‘Pecksville’ then (aka Peckham). Did I hear you sigh with relief? Yeah, I don’t blame you... it’d mean you having to put up with my daily rants about people ‘blowing’ (speaking – more like yelling in lingo) on the trains, or their extra loud conversations on mobiles about iya Risi and Baba Bolupe did last night, or having to put up with ‘shewingum’ (not chewing oo) sistas of the yellow-by-force variety! Nuff said! The long and short of all this is Mr Brown and cronies… don’t pick up from where Blair left off… you guys are already in the dog house… do you REALLY want to see airhead Cameron soar ahead of you? I didn’t think so.
Next up the American primaries. Here’s wishing you all the best Barack Obama, and it’s not ‘cos you is black man… you’re just definitely more sincere than that old wench…. Clinton! I definitely am all up for a female Yankee presido (president), but me suspects Hilary is out to stoke her own ego (as we power hungry women do from time to time ;)). With 48% of the delegate votes, wouldn’t it be one up for the civil movement, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. if he were the first black president…. I bet the klu klux klan would be excuse my French shitting themselves! Ha ha ha!!!
England played the Swiss today in the nations favourite sport. Luckily for them, they won! Otherwise I could just see the papers calling for Fabio’s (Capello – new England manager) head.
Poor Britney Spears… no sooner was she in the nut house than that trailer thrash park dad of hers went to court to gain access to her finances! And the foolish judge (‘cos he (and it could ONLY be a man)) granted him his wish. Now the poor girl is begging her dad to sign for her release… of course the money hungry twit said no. Sad…. I feel so sorry for her. I blame the media, but I also blame us – the celebrity nosy parkers! It’s a shame that we put celebrities on such a high pedestal. Yes, they are in the public eye and should be an example, but are you? So next time you go mouthing off, remember to remove the ‘forest’ in your eyes before you try plucking the twig out of someone else’s!

Right enough with the preaching…The new jaguar XF… check it out… I need a rich man… what am I not doing??? Somebody pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee tell me!
- 'Boo xxx
Next up the American primaries. Here’s wishing you all the best Barack Obama, and it’s not ‘cos you is black man… you’re just definitely more sincere than that old wench…. Clinton! I definitely am all up for a female Yankee presido (president), but me suspects Hilary is out to stoke her own ego (as we power hungry women do from time to time ;)). With 48% of the delegate votes, wouldn’t it be one up for the civil movement, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. if he were the first black president…. I bet the klu klux klan would be excuse my French shitting themselves! Ha ha ha!!!
England played the Swiss today in the nations favourite sport. Luckily for them, they won! Otherwise I could just see the papers calling for Fabio’s (Capello – new England manager) head.
Poor Britney Spears… no sooner was she in the nut house than that trailer thrash park dad of hers went to court to gain access to her finances! And the foolish judge (‘cos he (and it could ONLY be a man)) granted him his wish. Now the poor girl is begging her dad to sign for her release… of course the money hungry twit said no. Sad…. I feel so sorry for her. I blame the media, but I also blame us – the celebrity nosy parkers! It’s a shame that we put celebrities on such a high pedestal. Yes, they are in the public eye and should be an example, but are you? So next time you go mouthing off, remember to remove the ‘forest’ in your eyes before you try plucking the twig out of someone else’s!

Right enough with the preaching…The new jaguar XF… check it out… I need a rich man… what am I not doing??? Somebody pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee tell me!
- 'Boo xxx
Friday, 1 February 2008
The Red Shoe Man!!
Right, Randy Jackson AKA 'The Dawg' - one of the judges on American Idol.... the guy reminds me of (and no offence meant) my 'eastern' brothers (the Igbos). What can I say.... sitting at home watching said show and what does he have on.... patent shoes yup, R-E-D! I wouldn't have passed a comment if it wasn't that it matched Paula's stiletto pair, o and last week he had on a teal... you know (for the colour blind) that oceany-bluey-silver mix of a colour. Anyhoo Randy... you're still my man, with that sexy smile of yours:). O and I'd recommend watching American Idol, if the yanks can do one thing, it's at least sing! Well, at least they are 'better' singers at their auditions than the Brits. O well... let the auditions come to a quick end and roll in Hollywood and 5 minutes of fame for the hopefuls!
Right, what's been happening in the real world... a lot I must say! First up, non-transparency and nepotism. Yes those words, that were previously reserved for the 'dark' continent... never again... let us stand and welcome Mr. Derek Conway, whose use of his parliamentary allowances to employ his sons into a full time job whilst they were in full-time education has caused him to be suspended by his fellow MPs (well at least they voted to suspend him, unlike in another country where a few Ghana-must-go bags of cash would have exchanged hands and the matter would be buried!). Apparently Sir George Young (Chairman of the Commons standards and privileges committee) said the committee was "frankly astonished that after three years and a substantial amount of expenditure there was no independent evidence of his (Freddie Conway's - one of the sons) output or apparently anyone outside the family who had seen him working". Welcome to the world of the 'ghost worker' Sir George! Look on the bright side, at least the boy exists... there are places where some invisible non-existent soul gets paid a load of dosh! All I can say to all this is it's great to know we're not the only villains... 'Nuff said!
And now for the fun bit... McD's you're favourite fast food joint is about to start handing out qualifications - in the equivalent of an A-level in burger bar management. McQualifications they will be called. The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (in the UK o... we're not talking Antarctica) has approved a pilot "basic shift manager" course, which will train staff in everything they need to run a McDonald's outlet, from marketing to human resources and customer service skills. Come on, don't laugh... the next 'qualification' could be how to run your local chippie.... look at Ian Beale (on Eastenders), he is an 'esteemed' business man, with multiple businesses and property....things to aspire to). Last week, a report revealed that some universities have concerns over diplomas. One would think the Government would be more interested in raising the standard of education than bringing it down further. But I guess as with all politicians, selfishness comes first! What else would you call it? These people (those politician rats) most of whom went to the top universities (of the Oxford Cambridge variety) appear not want the general population (aside from their kids of course) to benefit from the same opportunities they did! Y'all might as well be mini-Mugabes'! When is that man going to croak anyway?
Right, adios for now... battling the flu again... I blame you OMPP!!
- 'Boo xxx
Right, what's been happening in the real world... a lot I must say! First up, non-transparency and nepotism. Yes those words, that were previously reserved for the 'dark' continent... never again... let us stand and welcome Mr. Derek Conway, whose use of his parliamentary allowances to employ his sons into a full time job whilst they were in full-time education has caused him to be suspended by his fellow MPs (well at least they voted to suspend him, unlike in another country where a few Ghana-must-go bags of cash would have exchanged hands and the matter would be buried!). Apparently Sir George Young (Chairman of the Commons standards and privileges committee) said the committee was "frankly astonished that after three years and a substantial amount of expenditure there was no independent evidence of his (Freddie Conway's - one of the sons) output or apparently anyone outside the family who had seen him working". Welcome to the world of the 'ghost worker' Sir George! Look on the bright side, at least the boy exists... there are places where some invisible non-existent soul gets paid a load of dosh! All I can say to all this is it's great to know we're not the only villains... 'Nuff said!
And now for the fun bit... McD's you're favourite fast food joint is about to start handing out qualifications - in the equivalent of an A-level in burger bar management. McQualifications they will be called. The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (in the UK o... we're not talking Antarctica) has approved a pilot "basic shift manager" course, which will train staff in everything they need to run a McDonald's outlet, from marketing to human resources and customer service skills. Come on, don't laugh... the next 'qualification' could be how to run your local chippie.... look at Ian Beale (on Eastenders), he is an 'esteemed' business man, with multiple businesses and property....things to aspire to). Last week, a report revealed that some universities have concerns over diplomas. One would think the Government would be more interested in raising the standard of education than bringing it down further. But I guess as with all politicians, selfishness comes first! What else would you call it? These people (those politician rats) most of whom went to the top universities (of the Oxford Cambridge variety) appear not want the general population (aside from their kids of course) to benefit from the same opportunities they did! Y'all might as well be mini-Mugabes'! When is that man going to croak anyway?
Right, adios for now... battling the flu again... I blame you OMPP!!
- 'Boo xxx
Monday, 28 January 2008
Ban Hoodies from the M25!!! And that's word!
Dateline 28th January 2008, time 0630 hours!! Don't ask, it's the time this missy hits the motorway to head to work! Anyway there I was attempting to join the motorway (from the slip road... for those of y'all who don't know what this is.. it's that bit of road that allows you to gain speed before gaining access to the motorway/express road... call it what you want. Anyway there I was trying to get onto the M25 (that dreaded and eternal car park) in the fog... and boy was it foggy....when I looked to the left... and yes there it was .. a white transit van, with NO lights and I mean no lights but for the glow of his sat-nav. In it, sat this hoodie (what else can I call him... he had a black hood on) eating!!! Or should that be gobbling down a wrap!! You would think that he would realise with the dense fog, that he would remember to switch on his lights, especially as EVERYONE around him had theirs on!! Naturally when he tried to get in front of me, I let him! First I've learnt my lesson from last year and second... ha wéré (mad man)... no ooo!! My parents taught me well thank you!
Next driving down slowly.... hoping for the go-slow (bet it's been ages since you heard that word) to clear... looked to my left again (hey what can I say, I loves me the fast lane) and there she was ... another hoodie in a wine Renault Clio (L18 *** - yes, am naming and shaming, but if the popo want the rest... they know where to find me!!), this time.... doing what I can't stand women doing... applying mascara, using her rear view mirror! Odé (dummy)!! If the car in front of her had slammed his brakes... she'd have been saying good-bye to her no-claims bonus (although something tells me she probably has none!) Come on woman, why give the rest of us a bad name!! Couldn't you have woken up 15 minutes earlier? Or if you must, apply your make up when you get into the office... but not on the road! Don't worry, I couldn't be asked to watch her 'finish'...for all I know, she probably applied the rest of it... foundation and all... hope she managed to look presentable, cos what I saw through the part-hood ... shall we say didn't look great!
There ends my lamentation for the day... gotta get back to my presentation:(.
Bye folks.
- 'Boo xxx
Next driving down slowly.... hoping for the go-slow (bet it's been ages since you heard that word) to clear... looked to my left again (hey what can I say, I loves me the fast lane) and there she was ... another hoodie in a wine Renault Clio (L18 *** - yes, am naming and shaming, but if the popo want the rest... they know where to find me!!), this time.... doing what I can't stand women doing... applying mascara, using her rear view mirror! Odé (dummy)!! If the car in front of her had slammed his brakes... she'd have been saying good-bye to her no-claims bonus (although something tells me she probably has none!) Come on woman, why give the rest of us a bad name!! Couldn't you have woken up 15 minutes earlier? Or if you must, apply your make up when you get into the office... but not on the road! Don't worry, I couldn't be asked to watch her 'finish'...for all I know, she probably applied the rest of it... foundation and all... hope she managed to look presentable, cos what I saw through the part-hood ... shall we say didn't look great!
There ends my lamentation for the day... gotta get back to my presentation:(.
Bye folks.
- 'Boo xxx
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Pet Peeves 2008 - Part 1
Now this list will grow in time, but here goes...
No. 1: White van drivers.... have you seen the way those twats drive, be it motorway, country lane, city road, cul-de-sac... whatever... Total Loonies! Now for those who don't know what am talking about, their equivalent would be bus drivers aka molue drivers, danfo drivers, red bus drivers (yup... they qualify) and last but not least the okada (scooter - cos that's what they are) riders. They are a nuisance and ought to be banned from the roads... OK, I know they have to make a living, but why can't Gordon Brown and his cohorts build their own road network for them? Good question eh?
No. 2: People who think that 'cos you don't live 'at home' (in Nigeria) you don't know what's going on and are in total denial... yes... you... Mr/Miss/Mrs anonymous. Of course I KNOW that there are paedos in Naija... what do you think 'gbomo gbomos' are? Huh!!! We all know (know in adulthood) that aside from kidnapping kids, they used them to commit unspeakable acts.. and used 'medi' or medicine or juju men to cover up their deeds! That doesn't include the randy old men (ogas - as they call themselves - bosses) who rape (yes...) their house girls (little girls usually or teens who help carry out chores around the house). To this list, we will also include the drivers, gate men, houseboys (who are usually older than the girls) and street layabouts (also known as area boys). O, let's not forget about the iyas (nurses, Au pairs.. you choose) who also carry out unspeakable acts on the young boys (and sometimes girls) who are in their care. They all carry out paedophile acts in one way or another! Yes, I agree we should speak out about them as a nation and stop looking at it as if the victim is the criminal... but if you'd 'read' my blog, you'd have understood that my issue was with Gbenga airing his dirty linen in public! Not so much for whatever is going on between himself and his wife, but for the kids who he has chosen to disown in PUBLIC! Did he carry out a DNA test on them? No... otherwise, I bet that Naija paper would have reported on it.... No... like all foolish men he pulled an 'Eddie Murphy'!! Well guess who laughed last... Mel B! And now dippy Eddie is paying child support... and that child when she finds out (and she will do) that her daddy denied her even before she was born publicly... well let's just say Mr Murphy better start dreaming up a bloody good reason! HA!
No. 3: Next on my list is people who insist on spreading jist about others... also known as back-biters, jobless ones, rumour mongers... I can think of others but they are not very nice! All I can say is 'What goes around, comes around'!, 'Never start what you can't finish!', 'GET a life!' and this song by Timex Social Club - 'Rumors'. In fact, this bit of the verse is VERY appropriate...'How do rumors get started, they were started by the jealous people and They get mad seeing something they had and somebody else is holding'
No. 4: Now this really does my nut in.... people who's kids are screaming or badly behaved in public and yet choose to ignore them totally to the discomfort and ear-numbing anguish of the 'shared space' guy.... Please be considerate! Yes, I have no kids yet.... but trust me, one ifoti (slap) and that child will sit up one-time! Mr NSPCC... Child Protection.. I dare you! Have you never heard of 'Spare the rod and spoil the child?'... Well then, it probably explains why half the kids in this town have the guts to torment their egbons (elders)! Bring back the cane jo!
No. 5: Customer service agents who insist on calling Mrs X, even though the form I filled out on the website stated quite clearly MISS!!! Yes o, I claim Mrs X, but people... I am not marrying my papa now... come on! And I KNOW my voice don't sound that old too! But thank you all the same o, I claim it in Jesus name... but alas.. e no go be my papa name... and seeing as our surname is so unique, if there are more of us somewhere... well all I can say is the man had better have a good excuse!
Right... off home I go... stay tuned for more.
- 'Boo xxx
No. 1: White van drivers.... have you seen the way those twats drive, be it motorway, country lane, city road, cul-de-sac... whatever... Total Loonies! Now for those who don't know what am talking about, their equivalent would be bus drivers aka molue drivers, danfo drivers, red bus drivers (yup... they qualify) and last but not least the okada (scooter - cos that's what they are) riders. They are a nuisance and ought to be banned from the roads... OK, I know they have to make a living, but why can't Gordon Brown and his cohorts build their own road network for them? Good question eh?
No. 2: People who think that 'cos you don't live 'at home' (in Nigeria) you don't know what's going on and are in total denial... yes... you... Mr/Miss/Mrs anonymous. Of course I KNOW that there are paedos in Naija... what do you think 'gbomo gbomos' are? Huh!!! We all know (know in adulthood) that aside from kidnapping kids, they used them to commit unspeakable acts.. and used 'medi' or medicine or juju men to cover up their deeds! That doesn't include the randy old men (ogas - as they call themselves - bosses) who rape (yes...) their house girls (little girls usually or teens who help carry out chores around the house). To this list, we will also include the drivers, gate men, houseboys (who are usually older than the girls) and street layabouts (also known as area boys). O, let's not forget about the iyas (nurses, Au pairs.. you choose) who also carry out unspeakable acts on the young boys (and sometimes girls) who are in their care. They all carry out paedophile acts in one way or another! Yes, I agree we should speak out about them as a nation and stop looking at it as if the victim is the criminal... but if you'd 'read' my blog, you'd have understood that my issue was with Gbenga airing his dirty linen in public! Not so much for whatever is going on between himself and his wife, but for the kids who he has chosen to disown in PUBLIC! Did he carry out a DNA test on them? No... otherwise, I bet that Naija paper would have reported on it.... No... like all foolish men he pulled an 'Eddie Murphy'!! Well guess who laughed last... Mel B! And now dippy Eddie is paying child support... and that child when she finds out (and she will do) that her daddy denied her even before she was born publicly... well let's just say Mr Murphy better start dreaming up a bloody good reason! HA!
No. 3: Next on my list is people who insist on spreading jist about others... also known as back-biters, jobless ones, rumour mongers... I can think of others but they are not very nice! All I can say is 'What goes around, comes around'!, 'Never start what you can't finish!', 'GET a life!' and this song by Timex Social Club - 'Rumors'. In fact, this bit of the verse is VERY appropriate...'How do rumors get started, they were started by the jealous people and They get mad seeing something they had and somebody else is holding'
No. 4: Now this really does my nut in.... people who's kids are screaming or badly behaved in public and yet choose to ignore them totally to the discomfort and ear-numbing anguish of the 'shared space' guy.... Please be considerate! Yes, I have no kids yet.... but trust me, one ifoti (slap) and that child will sit up one-time! Mr NSPCC... Child Protection.. I dare you! Have you never heard of 'Spare the rod and spoil the child?'... Well then, it probably explains why half the kids in this town have the guts to torment their egbons (elders)! Bring back the cane jo!
No. 5: Customer service agents who insist on calling Mrs X, even though the form I filled out on the website stated quite clearly MISS!!! Yes o, I claim Mrs X, but people... I am not marrying my papa now... come on! And I KNOW my voice don't sound that old too! But thank you all the same o, I claim it in Jesus name... but alas.. e no go be my papa name... and seeing as our surname is so unique, if there are more of us somewhere... well all I can say is the man had better have a good excuse!
Right... off home I go... stay tuned for more.
- 'Boo xxx
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Now this just irks me!!!
It comes to my roving ranting eye, that the first son of former Naija President Olusegun Obasanjo, Gbenga (is he really, afterall we know Baba had many pikins (children) all over the place), has sensationally accused him and his father-in-law, Otunba Alex Onabanjo, of sleeping with his wife, Mojisola. Gbenga, is presently asking Lagos High Court to dissolve the seven-year-
old marriage. The icing on the cake, is the IDIOT has cast doubts on the paternity of the children (HIS children!!) born into the marriage.
The shocking revelation (and o boy is it shocking) is contained in a fresh affidavit deposited by the petitioner in response to a cross petition of the defendant. Earlier, Mojisola had accused Gbenga of a few crimes, including assault and battery (and am sure extra marital affairs on his part). To top it all of... let's call it double icing, the divorce suit has been dragging in court since 2006!!! Na wa o!! Ehn... did no one tell him that this is just NASTY business... how can? And then denying your children... o boy, first if you have a DNA test done and they are yours... then when those kids get older and find out about the denial... you go hear am! Why do men deny their kids? Did you not learn from Eddie Murphy... turns out Mel B had the last laugh!!But seriously, bad enough accusing your dad of shagging your wife... but including her own dad? UNSPEAKABLE!!! Making a public spectacle of yourself is bad, dragging everyman and his dog in with you is worse!
I digress... looking at Craig David's pecs... all I can say is YUMMY!!! I want somothat! Anyone know where I can get some from? Made a list of things to write about...can't remember, oops!But this I do recall, Britney... get your act together ASAP!! Since when did K-Fed of all people look like the decent person/parent? Come on, it's a delusion!! The man is King Rat....he should be eaten and spat out like a rat should be....stamped on... caught in a rat trap and am not talking the humanitarian kind!!
I duff my hat now and say good night... o have you seen Heroes Season 2...... whoa... H-O-T!! Get it... you can see me in camera later.... I deny all sha!!
- 'Boo
old marriage. The icing on the cake, is the IDIOT has cast doubts on the paternity of the children (HIS children!!) born into the marriage.
The shocking revelation (and o boy is it shocking) is contained in a fresh affidavit deposited by the petitioner in response to a cross petition of the defendant. Earlier, Mojisola had accused Gbenga of a few crimes, including assault and battery (and am sure extra marital affairs on his part). To top it all of... let's call it double icing, the divorce suit has been dragging in court since 2006!!! Na wa o!! Ehn... did no one tell him that this is just NASTY business... how can? And then denying your children... o boy, first if you have a DNA test done and they are yours... then when those kids get older and find out about the denial... you go hear am! Why do men deny their kids? Did you not learn from Eddie Murphy... turns out Mel B had the last laugh!!But seriously, bad enough accusing your dad of shagging your wife... but including her own dad? UNSPEAKABLE!!! Making a public spectacle of yourself is bad, dragging everyman and his dog in with you is worse!
I digress... looking at Craig David's pecs... all I can say is YUMMY!!! I want somothat! Anyone know where I can get some from? Made a list of things to write about...can't remember, oops!But this I do recall, Britney... get your act together ASAP!! Since when did K-Fed of all people look like the decent person/parent? Come on, it's a delusion!! The man is King Rat....he should be eaten and spat out like a rat should be....stamped on... caught in a rat trap and am not talking the humanitarian kind!!
I duff my hat now and say good night... o have you seen Heroes Season 2...... whoa... H-O-T!! Get it... you can see me in camera later.... I deny all sha!!
- 'Boo
Saturday, 12 January 2008
The Politician: sub-species of Human beings
The wonderful world in which we live in has gone mental again! This time it's not the people or shall I call 'us' humans, but that species of sub-humans called POLITICIANS! What have they done this time... well, they're only trying to erase TRUE family life from society! And as usual they take advantage of an unfortunate situation. There's recently been a case of a twin brother and sister in the UK, who separated at birth (and raised by different families) got married without realising they were related. They found out after the wedding they were blood relatives and have since had their marriage annulled. Anyway, that evil sub-class of humans is taking full advantage of the situation. They're trying to put through laws which critics say will further weaken the link between children and their biological parents, and even effectively end the need for a father! .... As if the hundreds of teenagers who get pregnant every year, walking around with multiple kids from multiple dads, or the thousands of teens - who are either in jail, electronically tagged or in custody isn't bad enough!! I mean, come on people.... yes we know common sense isn't exactly common... but you can always pretend that you possess some, can't you? Before you think these are the rantings of a mentallo, here goes... The Government is proposing that fertility clinics should not be able to bar single women and same-sex couples from treatment. Instead, doctors must ensure patients can offer 'supportive parenting'.... err what does that mean? Then there's the one of children born through fertility treatment need a 'social network' not a father or mother! Come on..... a social network is something you gain (or is that grow) through your journey in life - Primary school, Secondary school aka High School, Uni or the work place.... A social network is not and NEVER will be a replacement for a family!! Did no one ever tell you dummies that???
People... yes we know common sense is not so common... but you could always pretend that you possessed some! Afterall y'all pretend you're do-gooders till you get caught... either with your hands in the till, in bed with your mistress, with a prostitute or rent boy or family B! But then again, taking responsibility for your actions is something you have no concept about.... take our dear Tony for example. Middle East peace envoy eh? I give him 6 months on the job... he'll soon be out... but then he does have a whole load of debt to pay he may be needing the dosh for a while! Anyway back to those bozos... and to think they grew up in normal families...i.e. dad, mum, 2.4 children and the 1 or 2 pets in tow! So why would you deprive the next generation of a true family? Have you ever wondered why society is plagued by so many evils and unruly children/teenagers? Cause you twits have eroded the very fabric of society, that's why! At least there are some in both Houses who are backing the roles of fathers... I sincerely hope they are not in the minority though. But then there are idiots like the so-called fertility pioneer Lord Winston who claims that adding the "Father clause" would be discriminatory - Of course only a man could want this. Lord Idiot says "This is prejudiced against women who have delayed motherhood because they are working hard". Lord dippy (goodness knows why am even giving him that honour) obviously doesn't realise the fact that some level headed women choose to be married FIRST before they born pikins (children) all over the place.... and rather than sit at home and mope or walk the street (as am sure Dippy sir would love for us to do) we get on with things, e.g. our careers - so that we can give our children a BETTER life, without depending on the Government! So now dippy will you withdraw you're dumb ass remark!! Honestly, what planet do these people live on? Just makes my blood boil!
So with the usual fare increases in and commuters herded on train and tube alike like cattle, all I can say is what's next? I bet those 'wise' men in the Department for Transport will soon decide to toll all the motorways and A-roads to increase their purse... especially as it's predicted that by the end of 2008, the UK will have a deficit of £5 Billion!!! I guess we need to build the coffers one way or another.
And the French president's girlfriend is rumoured to be preggers... well we can say one thing for the French then.....the man has proven their randy nature... or is that the Italians.... whichever way you look at it, it's not a Brit! The nation would have been up in arms...but then again, the Brits would never vote in a single man (albeit divorced) into the office of Prime Minister!
Am fighting the flu again... second time in a month - if only people would keep their germs at home, rather than bring them into the office! Yes, sharing is caring... but somethings are better left UNSHARED!! So if you're one of those that take your runny nose into the workplace... here's some advice... DON'T! Keep your 'buggy' self at home, thank you!
Catch you guys soon...
-'Boo xxx
People... yes we know common sense is not so common... but you could always pretend that you possessed some! Afterall y'all pretend you're do-gooders till you get caught... either with your hands in the till, in bed with your mistress, with a prostitute or rent boy or family B! But then again, taking responsibility for your actions is something you have no concept about.... take our dear Tony for example. Middle East peace envoy eh? I give him 6 months on the job... he'll soon be out... but then he does have a whole load of debt to pay he may be needing the dosh for a while! Anyway back to those bozos... and to think they grew up in normal families...i.e. dad, mum, 2.4 children and the 1 or 2 pets in tow! So why would you deprive the next generation of a true family? Have you ever wondered why society is plagued by so many evils and unruly children/teenagers? Cause you twits have eroded the very fabric of society, that's why! At least there are some in both Houses who are backing the roles of fathers... I sincerely hope they are not in the minority though. But then there are idiots like the so-called fertility pioneer Lord Winston who claims that adding the "Father clause" would be discriminatory - Of course only a man could want this. Lord Idiot says "This is prejudiced against women who have delayed motherhood because they are working hard". Lord dippy (goodness knows why am even giving him that honour) obviously doesn't realise the fact that some level headed women choose to be married FIRST before they born pikins (children) all over the place.... and rather than sit at home and mope or walk the street (as am sure Dippy sir would love for us to do) we get on with things, e.g. our careers - so that we can give our children a BETTER life, without depending on the Government! So now dippy will you withdraw you're dumb ass remark!! Honestly, what planet do these people live on? Just makes my blood boil!
So with the usual fare increases in and commuters herded on train and tube alike like cattle, all I can say is what's next? I bet those 'wise' men in the Department for Transport will soon decide to toll all the motorways and A-roads to increase their purse... especially as it's predicted that by the end of 2008, the UK will have a deficit of £5 Billion!!! I guess we need to build the coffers one way or another.
And the French president's girlfriend is rumoured to be preggers... well we can say one thing for the French then.....the man has proven their randy nature... or is that the Italians.... whichever way you look at it, it's not a Brit! The nation would have been up in arms...but then again, the Brits would never vote in a single man (albeit divorced) into the office of Prime Minister!
Am fighting the flu again... second time in a month - if only people would keep their germs at home, rather than bring them into the office! Yes, sharing is caring... but somethings are better left UNSHARED!! So if you're one of those that take your runny nose into the workplace... here's some advice... DON'T! Keep your 'buggy' self at home, thank you!
Catch you guys soon...
-'Boo xxx
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Happy 2008
Good evening one and all. Here's wishing you all a Happy New Year, one filled with joy, laughter, prosperity and successes this 2008. I trust y'all had a good holiday? And for those who decided that earning more money rather than resting was more important, well... I hope you enjoyed the free roads (and the packed trains with happy shoppers).
So the year may not have started well... earthquakes, the usual pipeline fires in Lagos (don't those people ever learn? Yes they say poverty is a disease, but biko... if many of you keep getting killed (or should that be 'cooked' like flies while 'stealing' petroleum products (more to the point petrol or kerosene, which are highly flammable), then is it worth losing your own life over it? But typical Naija style... their belief is it will never happen to them, but the next man! I don't know what kind of mentality you call that, but I call it the 'state of the foolish mind'!), dense fog, strikes, house fires, limit on pay rises for public sector workers (with MPs of course wanting to 'award' themselves for the hard work they've performed... obviously they must have learnt from the Nigerian legislative bodies.... that bunch of illiterate, money grabbing, money hungry, good for nothing except inflate their own personal accounts with the nation's money, dimwits! and the mother of all cock ups - Apparently our dear police force have 'lost' the pass codes to the back entrances of their police stations. How did this happen? O well a certain contractor left them in the back seat of his car... it was stolen... the car was recovered a few miles away ... but get this, the document with the pass codes written out in 'plain English' with the names of the police stations (whose addresses you can easily get from royal had 'walked'!! They say no high profile police stations were on the list... I say 'WHATEVER'!
So first it was the entire child benefit database (all 25 million), with the names, addresses, national insurance number and DOB of children with their folks account details (hmmm). The discs held the personal details of all families in the UK with a child under 16. Next it was DVLA records of learner drivers (thank goodness am not on that list)! That's your name, DOB and address... all a fraudster needs. Now the police incidence and goodness knows what else has been lost that's been covered up. I tire o! What's coming? Face Off.... for all I know there may be 2 boos walking around town... worse still maybe i get the 'ugly' face...!!! Who in this day and age carries discs around anyway? And what with all the technology we have... why couldn't it have been stored on a central database - in encrypted format and to access it.. enter a password. But then again knowing them, that password might be on the back page of some person or two or three's notebooks, which would be sitting on their desks!
Poor Britney. When did it become possible for a low life like rapper-by-force K Fed to be a better parent than her, let alone anyone? The man is a scrounger (low life, money sucking,money grabbing, white trailer trash!). I mean what type of man is he to seek alimony? Someone give me a spade to knock him out with! The rat makes my blood boil! As for that person that calls herself her mother! Hmmm!! That's all I say... in the Jerry Springer world of trailer folk, I shan't be surprised if iya Britney and K-Fed are erm.. shall we nicely use the word 'checking' each other ... hmmm!
On a lighter note, I promise to be more calm this year... good bye to road rage (wonder how long that will last?)
Well bed time calls...
- 'Boo
So the year may not have started well... earthquakes, the usual pipeline fires in Lagos (don't those people ever learn? Yes they say poverty is a disease, but biko... if many of you keep getting killed (or should that be 'cooked' like flies while 'stealing' petroleum products (more to the point petrol or kerosene, which are highly flammable), then is it worth losing your own life over it? But typical Naija style... their belief is it will never happen to them, but the next man! I don't know what kind of mentality you call that, but I call it the 'state of the foolish mind'!), dense fog, strikes, house fires, limit on pay rises for public sector workers (with MPs of course wanting to 'award' themselves for the hard work they've performed... obviously they must have learnt from the Nigerian legislative bodies.... that bunch of illiterate, money grabbing, money hungry, good for nothing except inflate their own personal accounts with the nation's money, dimwits! and the mother of all cock ups - Apparently our dear police force have 'lost' the pass codes to the back entrances of their police stations. How did this happen? O well a certain contractor left them in the back seat of his car... it was stolen... the car was recovered a few miles away ... but get this, the document with the pass codes written out in 'plain English' with the names of the police stations (whose addresses you can easily get from royal had 'walked'!! They say no high profile police stations were on the list... I say 'WHATEVER'!
So first it was the entire child benefit database (all 25 million), with the names, addresses, national insurance number and DOB of children with their folks account details (hmmm). The discs held the personal details of all families in the UK with a child under 16. Next it was DVLA records of learner drivers (thank goodness am not on that list)! That's your name, DOB and address... all a fraudster needs. Now the police incidence and goodness knows what else has been lost that's been covered up. I tire o! What's coming? Face Off.... for all I know there may be 2 boos walking around town... worse still maybe i get the 'ugly' face...!!! Who in this day and age carries discs around anyway? And what with all the technology we have... why couldn't it have been stored on a central database - in encrypted format and to access it.. enter a password. But then again knowing them, that password might be on the back page of some person or two or three's notebooks, which would be sitting on their desks!
Poor Britney. When did it become possible for a low life like rapper-by-force K Fed to be a better parent than her, let alone anyone? The man is a scrounger (low life, money sucking,money grabbing, white trailer trash!). I mean what type of man is he to seek alimony? Someone give me a spade to knock him out with! The rat makes my blood boil! As for that person that calls herself her mother! Hmmm!! That's all I say... in the Jerry Springer world of trailer folk, I shan't be surprised if iya Britney and K-Fed are erm.. shall we nicely use the word 'checking' each other ... hmmm!
On a lighter note, I promise to be more calm this year... good bye to road rage (wonder how long that will last?)
Well bed time calls...
- 'Boo
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