So today is the day of the UEFA Champions League Finals!! Yup, today is the day when all those bad belle souls aka the supporters of the following 3rd rate clubs. You know the ones am talking about, like AC Milan, Man U (yeah they have the nerve to say Milan will surely win... just u wait Alex!), Chelsea (the dimwits and their even more dim-witted, self professing, has a bloated opinion of himself manager called Mourinho have said we were 'lucky' to get to the finals, and it should have been them ... well get this guys, you lost... so live with it! and any others out there who have no faith in us, the Real Reds, LIVERPOOL! Anyway I wish us luck tonight and know that we will claim victory over all our detractors! O such joy it'll be to see Alex's face when we lift the cup for the 6th time! I pray God, please let it be so!
Right down to business. So much has happened this week, and it's not even over yet! I'm now become a lady of leisure since jacking it all in from my last job... not to worry the next one starts in a week and a half, so for the time being, it's 'jollof' (also called enjoyment) time. We start by mourning the loss of the Cutty Sark, Britain's and indeed the world's oldest tea-clipper (Grenwich's greatest inhabitant); which burnt at the start of the week. Luckily the masts and ropes were removed during its restoration and have escaped the fire. However it is a shame that we may never see it in its original form, aside from the masts..... one more part of history erased!
The fires have been stoked yet again on Migration/Migrants, by none other than Labour MPs! Why is it every time I see or hear the word 'migrant' I instantly think 'black' as in colour of the skin.... maybe cos am one or shall I say both.. a migrant to the UK, albeit a legal one and am black and PROUD! Anyway apparently it's used to refer to East Europeans who have trouped to 'our' :) little Island in hopes of ... well whatever it is they are hoping for. Anyway Margaret
Hodge a Labour MP for Barking, who for all we know may be an avid BNP supporter (that's our equivalent of the KKK - without teeth) wrote a piece in a well known and regarded paper stating 'we prioritise the needs of an individual migrant family over the entitlement others feel they have'. Firstly, what others is she talking about? Then does she know that there are grades of 'migrants'? For instance, my grade gives me restricted benefits, and social housing is NOT one of them... of course so long as I pay my taxes Gordon and his successor are happy.. but nope nothing else for the old girl... which quite frankly I don't care about....after all who wants to live in a high-rise in a ghetto? Ok before I get carried away... so Ms Hodge is referring to only EU migrants then... now here comes the icing on the cake... she called for council houses to be allocated on the basis of race... her words were 'we should look at policies where the legitimate sense of entitlement felt by the indigenous family overrides the legitimate need demonstrated by the new migrants'! Yet the woman cannot to save her life name one, that's right '1' British aka indigenous family who's been shunted from the housing queue! Hmmmmmmm.... me thinks the woman NEEDS to have her head checked, and then some! I mean come on... who let all the East Europeans in without thinking about putting in place controls to curtail numbers? I'll tell you who... it was none other than her boss - Tony 'the globe-trotter' Blair! (No relative of the famous Globe Trotters.. and I owe them an apology for the unfair comparison!). My solution to stop MPs opening their gobs without thinking is .... wait for it.... 'Public Slapping'... yeah we (the public who got them in, contrary to what they think, it was not their 'charm') will be lined up, waiting our turn to deliver a slap across the face (or two, depending on how dumb their public outburst has been) to the erring minister/public officer, who'll be held in the stocks! O such joy if that day could come..... no one will ever 'mis yarn' (i.e. to step out of line or talk rubbish (for want of a better word)), ever!
On a lighter note, did you hear the one about Britney 'I of the dreadful wig species' Spears during a live concert? Apparently she was caught miming when the CD she was performing to skipped , not once or twice but five times and then guess this, it stopped!!! Lol!! I wish I was there! Anyway, as if that wasn't enough, her day went from bad to worse when her head microphone broke and slipped to her neck. Poor Miss Spears...I wish her good luck in her future live performances. I must at least give her A for effort after getting rid of all that post-baby blob.... in that aspect at least I hope I can do the same when the time comes. I won't however be caught dead or alive wearing any of that tranny crap she's been snapped wearing lately, no matter how 'hot' I will look (or shall I say rather smugly.. 'do' look!).
In International news, a certain outgoing President of 'Africa's most populous country' is looking forward to retiring to his farm come May 29th 2007. Am not surprised though. The man, who is affectionately or not called 'Baba Iyabo' on his taking up office 8 years ago declared he had 20,000 Naira (about 80 GBP) in his bank account.. well his farm is now worth mmmmm 2 billion Naira! T-W-O B-I-L-L-I-O-N Naira.... a couple million dollars and even British pounds for that matter! You do the maths yourself. That is some serious 'multiplication' effect if you ask me, which you didn't, but hey.. I have an opinion on everything! You ask those who know me.
Anyway now I must prepare for my team's victory... need to pluck a few feathers, sacrifice a goat and whatever else needs to be done to guarantee Europe knows who we are!
So see you tomorrow.. I will have so much to rant about then! :-)
See you..
- 'boo
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