Seems like someone, whose name will not be mentioned mouthed off a bit too much yesterday... well so what! If you don't blow your own trumpet, who else will? I'd said we'd win... the score line was however 2-1 in AC Milan's favour.. :-(! Anyway, contrary to some person's opinion who said to me that it was a boring game, (obviously this was a 'blue' and we KNOW my feelings on them!) I think aside from the sad loss, it really was one of our best moments. We held possession of the game longest, unfortunately lady luck didn't smile on us and even though it looked like we would equalise ... I counted 5 times, we just weren't able to connect the ball to the back of the net. O well..... next year boys, next year! In the meantime, I have drawn up a hit list:
Number 1: Gattuso for trying to get the referee to book our players, and then ha ha he gets the first yellow card of the match! You can always count on sweet justice!
Number 2: Inzaghi for the first assist and then for the second goal.. which frankly I think should have been ruled out as an offside! Well what do I know about footie... but he goes.
Number 3: Pirlo for taking the kick (and assisting) that netted the first goal!
The Italians done away with, Man of the Match was Mr Jermaine Pennant.... and he is a 'dish' as well... yummyyyyyyyy. Anyway, like I said, see you Europe next year...and yes we will be painting the town 'RED'!
In other news it seems Channel 4/Big Brother are in the dog house over the racial remarks that were made in the Celebrity (not) Big Brother House whenever it was... don't much care for the programme anyway! The chief executive of the channel says 'clearly mistakes were made'.. you call that mistakes mate? A mistake is when you air comments like that once, even though you supposedly edit before airing! Noooo, this was just plainly irresponsible behaviour and head should have rolled over this! It is and was unacceptable airing, I mean you get over 40,000 complaints and yet do nothing! Thankfully the one good thing it did do, was make 'that' Jade Goody broke, off the shelves, out of the news and more importantly minds.. hopefully for good! Maybe I should start a 'Let's ban Jade Goody 4Ever' petition? I bet I'll have loads of people signing up to it. Wouldn't you?
Now onto the poor millionaire who has to part with £48 million.. yup that is 48 million GBP in a divorce settlement! Am all for 50-50 share when a marriage is over (though I believe when you exchange vows... till death do us part should be just that) but when you've purposely turned yourself into a housewife and refuse to return to work.... then you had better NOT expect a 50-50 split! (P.S this applies to the lazy ass man who won't get off his butt cheeks too!) Poor guy.. I do feel for him. Lady what are you going to do with the money? You really do give the rest of your species, me inclusive a BAD name! So what if you're a woman scorned.. seems like Mr John Charman was caught with his pants down (even though they claim 'she' was the catalyst to the breakdown of the marriage and not the cause... somebody please tell me what the difference is?) and now parts with 37% of his fortune which he built up on his own... o, that is aside from the fact that the ex-Mrs Charman's contribution was staying home to bring up the kids.. who are grown ass men now, so what has she been doing this last 8 years? The marriage lasted 28 years and if we assume the kids don't need looking after once they turn 18 years (p.s and they are both boys, so life's even easier)... and assume there's like 2 years between both boys....well then, tell me what she's been doing???.. Seems to me someone just sat back and lapped up life's pleasant luxuries, which she felt were her due right! Like I said 'Beverley'.... u give us hard working women a bad name! Go get a job.. it's not too late at 53!
And what's with this 'pay as you throw' policy that the powers that be are trying to implement! Apparently a resounding 62% of us are against it.. and they bloody well should be, considering how much we pay in council tax! I mean why should I be fined for not putting my bin out on bin-day.... if it's not full, why take it out? Common sense people!! And to top it all off... we have Big Brother watching us.. yup even in your wheelie bins..... you better empty it out and check it out.. you might be surprised what you find in the bottom corner of it... spooky eh? Ok, yeah The EU is apparently fining the UK 2 million pounds... apparently our landfills are shall we say 'filled'! Their problem.. if all their citizens didn't end up here, we wouldn't have over-shot our landfill allocation, now would we! Anyway am all for recycling but then again apparently the same councils 'mix up' the reusable waste! I mean what is the point of telling me you to recycle when in sorting you mix the rubbish up! Case in hand, sending a plastic bag off for recycling to... get this...... a paper recycling factory! Errrr different materials love! And while am at it... don't you DARE pick up my waste fortnightly! We already have foxes running amok...and that's with a twice weekly pick up... but then again I live in a shall we say...'nice' part of town :-D. What can I say... I love the simple pleasures of life.... especially peace and quiet! Maybe I should start a little petition.. well that is if my local council doesn't conspire to kick me out first... seeing as there's now some silly ASBO (Anti Social Behaviour Order) to boot 'uncooperative' neighbours out of their houses!! On second thoughts maybe I should just behave like a 'normal' citizen, bearing and grinning till death calls! O well, Life isn't it?
Anyway your comments are welcome on this..... pleaasssseeee let me know am not the only 'whinger' on the planet!
Anyway, watching The Bill now and can't be distracted.... sorry. Catch you tomorrow....
- 'boo.
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