Sunday 7 October 2007

Had to let this out!

So where were we... o yes, Muslims in the UK. Heard the new one? Well, apparently Sainsburys has given 'permission' to it's Muslims employees to refuse to sell alcohol to PAYING customers... they can leave it to their 'infidel' colleagues to carry on with the same sale. RUBBISH! As 'my' people would say, 'orishirishi'! In addition this same foolish Sainsburys also allows for Muslim pharmacists to refuse to sell the morning after pill to female and again PAYING customers!! Pray tell, when did the term 'the customer is always right' cease to exist? How dare Sainsburys encourage such utter rubbish! Apparently Boots too allows their Muslim staff to get away with the same trash! Se won gbadun (are they ok?) Surely this must count as discriminating against certain staff... who surely MUST be in majority, as well as infringing on customers BASIC human rights...i.e. the right to buy what I want, when I want, especially when paying with my HARD earned cash! Getit!! If it weren't for the nectar card and Boots Advantage card I possess and more especially ALL those points I have accumulated, I would have instantly boycotted them! Haba! I have nothing against anyone expressing their religious beliefs, afterall i am Christian and PROUD! But surely this just takes the biscuit! First it was the headmistress who banned the play - and you MUST laugh at this.... three little pigs ('cos it offended some of the Muslim parents), then it was the councils that banned Christmas... but yet threw a party to celebrate 'Eid'.... when does it STOP? I support the motion to RETURN ALL THINGS BRITISH, i.e if the Brits even know what that means now! .... Hopefully one day and sooner, rather than later they'll return to their ways, the ways of Western Civilization. If there's anything the leaders of the main parties should be fighting for, it's not to kick out immigrants like me, who have embraced the culture of the land we are in... but to out a STOP to all infiltration and attempts to eradicate a culture and a civilization that has thrived for so long, one that has conquered nations and peoples and imposed their way of life on others..... one which now seems like a toothless bulldog!! O how Winston Churchill would be turning in his grave, or would that be looking for a witchdoctor wherever he is to curse 1 or 2 past leaders! Hmmmm!!!

'nuff said!
-'boo xxx

1 comment:

NK Dee Online said...

You know what missdami boo, you have hit a very good nail on the head... I am at a loss as to why these type of things have been executed in this manner, and then they wonder why certain groups get their knickers in a twist..... Anyhow how you been....