Friday 8 February 2008

The Bishop with a sieve

Here he goes again...The Archbishop of Canterbury - Dr. Rowan Williams has opened his fat gob yet again, as usual without thinking! The man was quoted as saying that the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK "seems unavoidable". How dare him! What utter rubbish. If you choose to live in the United Kingdom, then you ought to abide by the laws and rules of the country and them alone. The man's utterances know no bounds... he just lets loose (enu wa rough). Since when did we start mixing politics with God... fine it might have been done in pre the 19th century, but surely we have come a loonnnggg way from there? Being a member of the Church of England (Anglican Communion) it does annoy me that the man thinks he can offer his opinion, without thinking about the impact his words might have on the country. Dr Williams told Radio 4's World at One that the UK has to "face up to the fact" that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system. He argues that adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law would help maintain social cohesion. Is that right Dr Williams? You're just fuelling things and opening up the way for the BNP (British National Party - the British Nazis) to be nationally accepted. It's amazing in this day and age that a grown ass man like you feels meddling by you should be accepted!

The unbelievable thing is The Archbishop of Canterbury is said to be overwhelmed by the "hostility of the response".... err what planet do you live on? One would have thought you'd have been fighting to win souls for Christ, but noooo, you think you're showing love for your Muslim brothers. Thankfully for the first time, all the political parties have stood up to tell bro in the hat to shut it! Even the Muslims have told him to mind his business!! Calls have been made for his resignation... I think it's time you hung your mitre must be senility knocking firmly on your door. Me thinks you should be concentrating on bringing more people into the church, first stop the youth! My two bits of advice to you o Archbishop is take your nosy self out of politics and look at the community and think about how you can bring Christ back into the country!

Drats...I missed out on the euro million jackpot... I think it's time for me to start taking it seriously, afterall you just never know!

Have a lovely weekend folks...

-'Boo xxx

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