Friday 27 July 2007

Friday Night... Just got Paid!!

This is o so very true! Just like the song, for y'all oldies out there. Such a joyful day to be back in the 'black'. Alas am sitting at home, about to watch the next episode of Eastenders (which has REALLY hotted up, thankfully) and also come to think of it (and thanks for the reminder) about to take out my hair (oops meant braids). Need to do it myself, as the last time, the lady washed my hair without combing it... so yup, the 'dada' wonder came to be. And trust me, that was NOT a pretty sight! Right so we ALL gather am BORED out of my brain cells... is that even possible? Well, I don't care, I just NEED me some entertainment... even though I should be reading for my exam. O by the way, that means I'll be taking a short break for a while (well I say so now, but you never know).

Where was I? O bored... downloaded a few songs off Itunes... and now Eastenders is on, so gotta go... also have 3 manuals to read for this exam of mine.... I need strength.

Catch you soon.... o and thanks to everyone who's sent in comments so far... hint, we need to be able to hold Forums please...

Ta da people. Will let you know once something 'that catches my eye comes up' :).

-'boo xxx

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