Tuesday 31 July 2007

Get a LIFE!!!

So unmarried couples should have more legal rights? What a load of BS!!What's next? outlaw marriage? Come on people. Ok, so what if 2.2m (I can't believe the figure is that high) are cohabiting... their choice! If they're too scared to 'take the plunge' then I say leave 'em out to dry when and if they split! not being heartless or anything, but why live with a guy or vice-versa if you can't marry him? His habits certainly won't change, he'll still be the same slob (no offense to those men out there who ACTUALLY do some housework and pitch in) no matter what the state of your relationship is. Why bear children for him, if you can't marry him? In the old days, those poor kids would have borne the brunt of your selfish action and be spat on or called 'b*st*rds' wherever they went. And you, my dear, would be hounded out of town on the next available 'foot wagon' seeing as no one would want you on their bus anyway! You can't have your cake and eat it too!! So there's some lame report from the Law Commission, which states that unwed couples wrongly believe they are protected by what is known as "common law" marriage; solution - place a financial value on the contribution each person makes during the relationship. What a load of crock. As 'Heather of West Sussex (BBC 'have your say') put it, "I thought living together was all about not being committed. If you want the benefits of commitment, get MARRIED!" Hear! Hear! Heather. Anyway this lame proposal would apply to couples with children and childless couples who have lived together for at least two years(only?? Hmmmm)... They say they are not trying to devalue the institution of Marriage, but me thinks differently (as I do). This rubbish report took 2 years to publish and in all probability countless hundreds of thousands of pounds in taxpayers money! Really!! And you guessed right, the government is considering recommendations. I mean, how can you say you're not placing 'living together' and 'marriage' on the same platform when you're proposing such crap? Yes, yes, we have to protect the children, but so many people act without thinking through the consequences. If you choose to 'act' like a wife, then maybe you should MAKE sure you are THE WIFE! Insist on that ringy before you shack up permanently and even worse have kids. Yes, yes, it cuts the bills and saves you having to go through 'that painful (and sometimes messy )divorce' (which is another rant for another day) but when you're shacking-up experience ends, it's the same 'symptoms' that you'll go through. So ... think....Anyway I say NO to this law. The country is already is ruins, family values out the window, and you want to add this to it? May the Good Lord be with us all o!!(The 'o' is very important, it defines where am from :))

In other news (ooo am I feeling like a reporter today) Chanelle (the V.Becks look-alike, who's ambition is to BE a wait for it - professional V.Becks look-alike (don't laugh - even though I am rolling, at least she has some ambition)FINALLY came to her senses and walked, after yet another break up with Ziggy ('did you think it was as good for her as it was for you')... yiipppeee! O that line came from his self-interview question in the Diary room... the twit! Being the Ziggy twerp that he is, he has volunteered his services to go into the half-way house (where he'll compete with the remaining 3 half-way contestants to stay on the show) ... me thinks he's figured there are 2 chicks in there, and he might as well see if he can score with either one of 'em. His choices - a glamour model and a care assistant/stripper (wow!! and I guess he figures they'll both be gagging for it, seeing as his only competition is Jonty, the 36 year old teddy bear playing I've never had sex before man! Men!!! BOOT Ziggy out, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Anyway, more news later - need to get back to working again, before they cotton on to the fact that all that typing is from me 'blogging' and not 'scripting'...

Catch you soon, not to worry am on a roll now, and don't fancy leaving you out in the cold. Cheerio.
- 'boo

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